(Chapter 6) The Mission

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Y/N's P.O.V

After the dance... and the night me and Weiss spent together... a new day has begun. We woke up, did our daily routine and just chatted for a bit. Then I was announced to meet with Ozpin. We find it a... bit odd. Usually I am not called on to meet with him. So... maybe this is something different.

Ghost: To Ozpin's office? Why does he need you to go to him?

Roach: Suggestion: His semblance.

Y/N: That's... a possibility. Well... whatever it is. I still need to talk with him.

Desti: Stay safe.

I exited the room. Then I went down some hallways, making my way to Ozpin. Then I got to the elevator. I got in and pressed the floor to Ozpin's office. After that it opened and I saw Glynda, the general, and Ozpin...... I don't like this. It's making me nervous...

Ozpin: Mister L/N, thanks for coming.

I slowly exited the elevator. Then stood in front of them.

Y/N: May I ask what this is about...?

Ozpin: We've noticed a lot of cargo disappearance happening at a place nearby. Some unknown figures have been spotted there. They look like military soldiers, but they attack the cargos and stole it and they killed the soldiers protecting the cargo. Not only that, they captured a base as well. Another figure was seen there and took down the soldiers. We were wondering if you or your team know anything about these them.

Y/N: What did they look like?

They waited for the general to say something.

Ozpin: James...

Ironwood: Oh. Right.

He took out a photo and set it on the table.

Ironwood: This is a picture taken by an Atlas operator.

I looked at the photo to see a person with military gear and black uniform. The equipment is similar to Ghost and Roach's gear... but he doesn't look friendly.

 but he doesn't look friendly

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Ozpin: Well...?

Y/N: Never heard or seen them before.

Ozpin: They call themselves Shadow Company. We've never heard anything like that before. Of course... they don't seem like good people.

I kept looking at the picture and examined the soldier. Then I took the photo.

Y/N: What about the other person you talked about?

We looked at Ironwood. He sighs.

Ironwood: Unfortunately, we did not get any pictures of him.... Other than finding their handy work... such as a bunch of soldiers dead.

Ozpin: We plan on sending you and your team to investigate. If possible, maybe even take the-

Ironwood: May I ask why we are sending someone that is... a freshman...? Into an operation that is considered classified to civilians.

New Semester, New Enemies [Volume 2] (Weiss Schnee x Male reader x MW)Where stories live. Discover now