Chapter 5: Traitor, Team 7 Test, and Missions!

Start from the beginning

Iruka then rushes Mizuki, the two exchanging quick and powerful blows. Kunai flying everywhere, and sparks coming off from the blades clashing. In the bushes, Naruto is sitting just watching the fight. Mizuki gets a good hit in on Iruka's stomach and follows it up with a kick to the same place. Which sends Iruka flying into a tree, in which he falls to the ground coughing. Mizuki, standing 10 meters from him pulls off his Fuma Shuriken from his back, and reels back his arm to throw it. Suddenly, four Kunai land around Mizuki. He saw that there were tags on them, but they weren't explosive, so he chose to remain there to kill Iruka. He looked around for who through them until he saw Naruto.

Mizuki: "Well if it isn't the demon brat. Come to try and save your sensei and die with him?"

Iruka: *looks to his left* "N-Naruto, what are you doing here. Please run, he's too strong for you to take! Alert the Shinobi in the village, I'll *trying to get up* deal with him until back up arrives."

Mizuki: "It's too late for that! *Throws the Fuma Shuriken hard, spinning and speeding towards Iruka*

Naruto: *Jumping towards Iruka* "UZUMAKI STYLE: FOUR CORNER PARALYSIS SEAL/ LEVEL 3!" *Standing in front of Iruka holding the giant Shuriken* "So sensei, how was that?"

Mizuki: "Not bad, but that doesn't mean you're going to live! *Goes to rush him but finds that he can't move himself* What is this, what did you do?"

Naruto: "See, this is why Fuinjutsu should be taught more than briefly in the academy. Don't you know what that swirl is, on your Chunin vest moron? It the swirl of the Uzumaki clan, from Uzushiogakure, the Village Hidden in the Whirlpools. The clan known to even be as strong as the Senju and Uchiha. It's sad that I only need to use a level 3 formation on you, there level six and nine ones as well. How pathetic could one get. It's good too, it only restricts you from moving once you try to move. There are a couple ways to get out of it though, for instance. One way is if when I threw them down, you knocked one away and broke the perfect square formation. The second way is if you didn't attempt to move your feet at all, you could have still fired off more Jutsu, but now you're frozen stiff. Last but not least, if you possessed level 4 Fuinjutsu, before getting frozen or could surge enough chakra to break the seal. But both of those aren't an option for someone like you."

Mizuki: "How dare you, you demon!"

Iruka: "Mizuki, no it's forbidden!"

Naruto: "You mean how I'm the Jinchuuriki of the Nine-Tailed Fox. I already know, I've known for a while now."

Both: *shock on both their faces*

Naruto: "Now question, Orochimaru. I'm guessing that he wanted, this? *Disappears and re appears with the scroll in his hands*

Mizuki: "H-how, I barely saw any distortion between you moving and coming back. N-No Genin can be that fast!"

Naruto: "True, but that's because I'm not truly a Genin. I'm at the minimum an Elite Jonin. That speed that you saw, wasn't even fast. Most of the Kage's and some Elite Jonin like Might Guy can move that fast. Now it's time to wrap this up though. Seal Integration: Sleep wave!" (Mizuki then passes out and Naruto collect his things. After getting back towards Iruka he senses a Chakra landing near them) "Dog, I know you just got here. If you could please bring him to the prison, I'll help Iruka Sensei with getting healed up and take this back to gramps." *Heads towards Iruka at the base of the tree as he sees Dog take Mizuki away*

Iruka: "Naruto, h-how? When did you become this?"

Naruto: "Ever since I've unlocked my Chakra really, I've just been training non-stop. Though having gramps, my parent's letters, and belongings it wasn't hard to grow faster and better than the other around me. Hell, that was basically nothing."

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