Jock Erwin x Reader au

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"That's it guys the lesson for today is over. Tomorrow we will have a test on the topic." The bell as if on cue rang and Mr Pixis walked out. Ugh now I have to read for something extra that I don't want to. It was another day at Yeager high the school was started by the  Yeager family who wanted people to have the freedom to a good education. It was pretty big and fancy and wasn't all bad. What shocked you though was how there were so many groups and denominations just because of a few disney movies and the tv shows nowadays. You can't seriously believe things where the teenagers are acted by like thirty year olds absolute  nonsense.

Here we go again you were in front of your locker when a few kids like two years younger were walking through the halls. They were the 'popular' girls which consisted of Gabbie and some other children you didn't bother to get to know.

Then they walked up to you fully delusional that you guys were friends.

"Y/n you know that guy Falco? He asked me to the rumble dance and I don't know what to say."

I mean how rude since we are 'friends' she might have as well greeted me. And why not just say yes the guy I already feel poor for the kid but he must know what he's getting himself into.

"Just agree and go with him, it might not be bad." The blond girl looked at me badly. Damn she had such a crushable face not bad though. I slammed my locker door shut and when I was walking to class had some shouting from another hall. Any excuse to miss class right? 

Some child with blond hair and one of the ugliest cuts I have ever seen was being 'remodeled' he was bleeding profusely clinging to whatever life he desired to pursue left. Why am I being so dramatic . He just had a swollen lip that's all. Why doesn't anything interesting ever actually happen here. 

"Hey Levi just leave the kid alone we have classes." You went next to the boy who on later learning was called Armin. 

"Thanks y/n I'll try and knock some sense into him." Hange was now dragging a very angry Levi to Chemistry. Where you also had to be. You looked down at the shaking kid at your feet and swiftly understood the situation.

"Just don't call him short again." You were about to walk off when a teacher suddenly appeared from the corner. Why couldn't he just gossip in the staffroom like all the other teachers who didn't have lessons. 

"Y/n detention , you on the floor too. I don't want to hear any excuses you should both be in class." With that they left and I was hella pissed why couldn't they ever listen.

You walked to class dragging your feet there was no point in trying to fight the inevitable. Chemistry and the other lessons went by pretty fast so all you had left was detention.

"You walked in and dropped your bag on one of the chairs and sat down to study and a few moments later two others entered. It was Armin and after him the captain of the lacrosse team. His shirt was clearly too tight and damn were you enjoying the view. Stop it. Erwin sat down next to you and he waved to say hello while you let out a nod of acknowledgement. If you were at home you would have missed the opportunity to spend two hours next to your crush but would have instead played video games until morning or read some very unhealthy fanfiction as you simped for fictional characters. But this was good you also had the time to study for the test that was to come tomorrow so you went back to understand the topic fully so that you could ace the test. You were just going over the next subtopic when you were interrupted.

"Umm y/n?"

"..yes?" Ahh my name sounds so good coming from those lips. I wonder what else they can do. Maybe I can one day show him all mine can do.

"Thanks for helping my brother earlier today."


"Yeah Armin ."

"I kind of see the resemblance ."How bad has my stalking game gone down I would have known something like this before the kid even joined the school.

Erwin flashback

I was about to wave my brother goodbye for the day since I got detention for taking the blame of some of my friends bad behaviour, when he started walking the same direction as me.

"Why aren't you going home?"

"Detention. I was being beaten up by some kids in your class. When that girl you always talk about , y/n , helped me."

Thank goodness he wasn't hurt . I'm so glad this school still has some decent people. And she is really pretty. Stop thinking those thoughts.

Back to detention

"Do you maybe want to study together?"

I was squealing internally yey this was gonna be so much fun.

"Sure ."You guys studied together until the time was practically over. Now you could go waste time at home and review everything else the next morning. 

The next day you came early sat for the test since it was the first lesson. The teacher sat down to mark since expected most of the class to fail and Mr Pixis was absolutely right. Most people failed but you and Erwin topped the class both getting a 95% . When you went to your locker you were elated and Erwin was following close behind.

"Yesterday paid off. We did well." He raised his hand for a high five and you responded accordingly. He continued.

"So next week there's that rumble dance. Go with me." You started laughing at how direct he was. You could see him getting ready for rejection.

"Yes I love you. No no I mean I would love to . '' Ugh the embarrasment.

"Me too. it will be fun."

Words : 992

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