Eldritch and Primrose

Start from the beginning

'I took her last time,' Bagsy's dad said in a hushed voice he thought Bagsy couldn't hear.

'Yes, because I was busy and Bontie didn't want to babysit her,' Florentchia, Bagsy's mother, responded hotly.

'Well, now I'm busy, so it's your turn.'

'Bontie really can't spare one day from her work at the Ministry?' Florentchia was walking down the stairs now, her voice growing louder.

'You know how busy the Ministry's got everyone working. They still haven't found those stolen creatures, and people are starting to talk about who might have done it. Poor Bontie's doing the best she can given the circumstances.' Bagsy's dad spotted her. He hesitated awkwardly, forcing a smile. 'I've got to work, honey,' he explained apologetically, 'so mum is going to take you to Diagon Alley this year.'

Bagsy's hazel eyes fixed on Florentchia, who smiled at her warmly.

'I know we're not around much,' Florentchia apologised. 'We're very busy with our work, you see. Couldn't afford all this if we didn't keep our heads down, now, could we?' Florentchia gestured at the house around them.

Bagsy smiled stiffly and nodded. 'I know. Thank you.' She always stayed polite with her parents. She was certain they didn't mean to be so distant, even if they were, and even if it infuriated her sometimes. Besides, she was sure their work was more interesting than her – she couldn't really blame them.

'Right, get yourself ready and we'll head off,' Florentchia announced, Himble shuffling up the stairs back to his workshop with a mumbled 'have fun'.

Bagsy was ready and her mother, who was always prepared, didn't need to change out of her practical robes before they left. Unlike Bagsy, Florentchia was tall and slender, with beautiful, curvy brown locks that fell to her thighs and were charmed with many maintenance spells to uphold their luxurious appearance.

'Diagon Alley!' Florentchia pronounced clearly as they stood in the fire place. The second they materialized in Diagon Alley Florentchia seized Bagsy's hand and marched them purposefully towards Flourish and Blotts. She rather loudly, and with dramatic waves of her hand, exclaimed 'Excuse me!' and 'Coming through!' to the other patrons crowding the street, whilst Bagsy ducked her head low as they rudely shoved their way through, hoping no one would notice her. 'List.' Florentchia held her hand out expectantly to Bagsy as if she were a helper on one of her new projects. Bagsy fumbled with her robe and pulled out a crumpled list she passed to her mother. Florentchia frowned disapprovingly at the state of the paper and scanned her eyes over it. She clicked her fingers a few times expectantly as they entered the shop, the glinting bangles on her wrist clinking against each other. A store clerk hurried over, bowing deeply. He didn't look older than sixteen and Bagsy reckoned he just wanted some extra money to buy sweets or quidditch books with.

'We want these, please,' Florentchia announced importantly, presenting the list to the clerk and tapping it with a finger. The boy scanned the list and nodded, looking at Florentchia uncertainly. Bagsy looked around herself, shifting from one foot to the other, wondering if anyone she knew could see how demanding her mother was being. Bagsy enjoyed any time she got to spend with her parents, but they always seemed so sharp with the people around them.

Once they'd collected the books Bagsy needed, Florentchia insisted she get some new robes. 'You're a growing girl, Bagsyllia, don't forget it,' she chimed, leading her out of the shop and towards Madam Malkin's Robes for Every Occasion.

'But my old ones fit just fine,' Bagsy protested. 'I only got them last year.'

'One whole year! They're probably messy and tatty beyond belief.' Florentchia sounded impatient.

Bagsy Beetlehorn and the Corvid Trials (The Bagsy Chronicles 2)Where stories live. Discover now