Chapter Four

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"Hey, my names Alex. I'm Kayli's younger brother, if you couldn't tell."

I go to shake his hand but he pulls me in for a hug. This family are definitely huggers.

"Artemisia, but you can call me Sia. This is my brother Grey."

"And my mat-boyfriend." Kayli stops talking to Grey and butts in.

"You keep saying." Alex huffs. "Anyway, i'll be your tour guide and best friend for the day."

"Why don't we keep the best friend part? It'll make me seem less of a loner with at least one friend." I smoothly- or what i think is smoothly- add.

Alex chuckles. "Sure, i was thinking that as well. But you won't be lonely for long with looks like yours."

"Stop, im going to blush." I tease causing Alex to laugh out loud.

I glance back but Grey and Kayli are nowhere to be found.

"Yeah, i wouldn't bother looking for them. New relationships are always clingy like that here."

"Are you in a relationship?" I ask.

"Not yet. I'm waiting for my true love, someone who I'll fall in love with at first sight. Saving myself for her, or him."

That one way to describe a mate. I think in my mind. I can tell he's trying avoid saying mate, and it's difficult.

I raise my brow. "Saving yourself? You haven't been in a relationship?"

"Ah, well. Does being 13 and holding hands with someone count?"

I try to stop my giggle, "i wouldn't count it."

"What about you? Have you had a boyfriend?"

"Yup, i had a girlfriend once as well, but things didn't quite work out, so now we are best friends." I take out my phone and start searching through my photos for a picture of my best friend Stephanie.

"I thought you didn't have any friends here?" Alex questions.

"I didn't. They live in the town over, Ashton. You know that place right?"

"Of course. I always go there for Macca's."

"See. This is Stephanie. Shes a babe."

"Your right

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"Your right. Shes hot as." Alex comments.

As soon as he finishes speaking, my phone starts ringing. "Speak of the devil."

Right as i bring the phone up to my ear, a loud voice yells through.

"Oh! You finally answered, babe! I thought yo were dead! I've rung you like hundreds of times!"

"Well, you know my circumstances. I can't always get to the phone." Yup. She is one of the only people on land who knows what i actually am.

"Anyway! Where are you now? Quickly tell me, then we can meet up! We haven't hung out in like- forever!"

I massage my forehead as Alex silently laughs at me. I glare at him.

"I can't babe, i've started going to school, it's my first day."

"Which town!?" Her screeching voice damages my sensitive eardrums.

"Claye, the town just over from yours."

"Thats great! Theres a party i was going to tonight in Claye, i'll pick you up at 8, dress hot, baby! I gotta go, my teachers yelling at me. Lots of love! Mwah!"

Before i can even say goodbye, the phone hangs up and I just sigh.

"Well. Isn't she just lovely." Alex comments. I can't say anything so i just smile.

"This is our class. We have english first." He opens the door and i enter behind him.

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