We got our food and spoke the same time
Lizzie-"hmmm my favorite! "
Amelia- "my top choice "

They looked at each other and then the brand muffins and then laughed.
Lizzie was the first to speak.

"haha another thing we got in common! "
I nodded before I realized that wasn't a good idea and neither was the laughing.

The rest of the car ride was small talk.
We reached set and I headed to Crystal who was sitting by the set watching them set up while most of the cast got ready for the final takes.

They were doing the scene where Annie got saved by the meyer and this girl was not doing it right. She was too relieved. Like I get it you just got rescued from being kidnapped but that's not what's going through your brain at that point.
Elizabeth then yelled cut. And boy was I not impressed. Like girl my head is literally an erupting volcano. I can't deal. Well in her defense she doesn't know that, nobody does and I planned on keeping it that way until Elizabeth walked up to me.
"hey, I know something is bothering you, out with it. " i thought I was hiding it well. I proceeded to lie. Maybe I can cover up my tracks.
"I'm good. I'm just tired. That's all"
"nonsense. You wouldn't be sitting here if you were tired you'd be in lizzies trailer- " that was true not going to lie. She got me there. She continued...
"I know something about this scene is bothering you and you look like you have so much to say but you holding back. Just tell me" oooohh that's what this was about. I got up and walked over to the actors. Elizabeth banks following me.
I looked at her and then the cast. They were all staring at me questioningly.

"okay. Elizabeth you wanted to know so this is what I think
Sam you literally gave her up  but then tried saving her you should be sad in this scene you should be overly apologetic. Mr Foxx you too should look apologetic, but there must be a huge hint of guilt and let's not forget all the concern because you thought you almost lost her. This concern doesn't end there. It continues as she doesn't want to go with you and prefers being shipped away. And qu. I love your acting I really do, however in this scene you shouldn't be relieved. I mean yes you should but you should be more angry because you believe Mr warbucks don't want you and he threw you away. If you could come across abit more sarcastic that would work perfectly and lizzie. Spot on" elizabeth banks was now clapping which lead to everyone else to clap and my head couldn't so I smiled and walked off set behind the cameras where I was seated and grabbed lizzies water bottle and chugged most of it, she can kill me for that later, I really didn't care I just felt like shit.
Elizabeth yelled places and they shot the scene again and can I just say I know perfect doesn't exist but this scene was pretty close.
Elizabeth yelled cut and clapped again. What's with this woman and clapping. I swear I'm going to chop off her hands.

We headed home. Finally! More shoesss!!
I took a nap and when I woke.

There was bloods on my sheets. What the hell was happening?!!
I call Crystal and Sam no answer and then I called lizzie. She hurried over to me and wiped my tears I didn't even know where there.

"baby, it's okay. I got you. What's wrong? What happened? Are you okay"
She asked clearly panicking. She didn't take her eyes off of me once.

"lizzie call an ambulance, I'M DYING" Saying lizzie was shit worried was an understament
"w-what! What's wrong?!! Talk to me baby!! Tell me what's wrong " she asked clearly in a panicked state.

"I'm bleeding out, the sheets are full of it, I'm dying!!!" lizzies face was relieved. She's not taking me seriously! She started laughing at me. And walked towards the door
"lizzie, wth. This is not funny I'm dying CALL AN AMBULANCE! "
"you not dying sugarcube, you got your period give me a minute"
"what's my period? What does that mean? " she laughed and headed out the door
And literally 5 minutes later. She walked back in.
"Elizabeth, you lied to me. You are 4 minutes over time and let's not forget the unanswered questions. " I said sternly which made her giggle
Lizzie giggle tab count: 5.
"your period is something a female gets once a month when she's of age. I'm not going to sugar coat it. You basically bleed through your Flower for a 5 days and it's the worst time of the month. Now that I answered you questions. Can we go. I ran you a warm bath"
I got up and went to take the bath it was so relaxing I could fall asleep.

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