Mikey could only send the pair an unamused look, "So?"

"So!" Emma jumped grabbing the boy by his arm to shake him, "Why didn't you say anything when Takemitchy said you two were going just as friends?"

"Cause we are!" Mikey simply rebuttled as Emma shook him even more.

"You doofus! Friends just don't go on dates!" She yelled, causing Mikey to smirk.

"Oh yeah, then what does that make you and Ken-chin?" Mikey smugly watched as both teens' faces exploded red in embarrassment before sending a warning glare. 'Dumbasses.' He thought snickering as he looked away.

"T-that's–" Emma struggled to stutter out, as Draken quickly stepped in.

"Completely different! The three of us have always gone to the festival together ever since the two of us became friends, Mikey. It's practically tradition by this point!"

"Y-yeah! What he said!" Emma nodded, as Mikey simply shrugged and threw his arms behind his head.

"Sure, sure, and Ken-chin's doesn't use a shower—"

"Oi!" Draken snapped face burning, "Don't you dare finish that sentence." He grounded out, sending a quick glance towards Emma as the girl simply blinked a few times confused.

"Right~ Right~" Mikey drawled before frowning as he looked up at the night sky. "..." Walking in silence Mikey sighed before he sent his two companions a somewhat shy side glance. "But..." Mikey nervously began to say as he had two sets of eyes turn to him. Stopping in their walk Mikey had to put had over his heart and clutch tightly to the front of his shirt as his mind thought back to Meiko's smiling face and the kiss she had planted on his cheek. "You know... I really do like Ei-chan I think...I just don't know... If it's 'that' kind of like." He quietly admitted making Emma and Draken quickly send a glance to one another before smiling and looking over to Mikey.

"I see. So you're saying that you feel something for Mei-chan." Emma watched as her brother nodded. "But you don't know what that feeling means."


Draken hummed to himself as he casually placed his hands in his pocket. "Alright, then how about you explain it to us, and we'll help you understand."

Mikey was silent for a moment before sending the two a tentative look, "Will that work?"

"We can try." Draken simply shrugged as Mikey hummed to himself.

"...But I don't know how to explain it."

Emma frowned at this, "Alright, then how about you answer some questions. When Mei-chan's around, what does your heart feel like?"

"Huh?" Mikey exclaimed, giving his sister a completely perplexed look.

"Does your heart race? Like 'doki doki'." Emma seriously explained, physically gesturing with her hand over her heart a rapid heartbeat.

"Or is it subtle," Draken cut in. "Like someones got their hand on your heart and is squeezing it a bit."


"Oh! What about your stomach? Does it feel like butterflies are in there when she's around?"


"Like your stomach feels upset but not in a bad way, and it gets you giddy," Draken explained.


"Oh!" Emma then exclaimed, "When you touch? Has your skin ever felt all tingly and like even when you've stopped, you can still feel the spot you were both touching. Oh, and your face, when she says or does something does it suddenly get warm and feel like–" Emma rambled, causing Draken to have to cover her mouth as he noticed how overwhelmed Mikey was becoming as the boy seemed to sway back and forth in place trying to process his sister's ramblings.

Butterfly kisses and Flower petal wishesWhere stories live. Discover now