Chapter 11: The Fateful Meeting

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"Text"- dialogue
'Text'- thought


3rd person POV

Aika arrived in the place where the map is pointing to

"This is the place right" she asked looking around the surrounding tree

System: yes

"I sense a demon in this area" she said, putting her serious face

She then decided to walk around and investigate in the hope she finds this demon that has been killing and devouring people. She then suddenly stopped in her track when a sudden fog appears and surround her disabling her sight to see clearly.

The area is full of quietness. She closes her eyes and concentrates, listening to every sound in her surroundings. When she felt something approaching her head-on. It was fast and barely make a sound but it is enough for her to know the location of the demon. She immediately draws her fan

"Ocean Breathing, Third Form: Deep End Dive" she jumps gracefully and lunches herself to the demon decapitating it in one strike in a beautiful way (you can imagine giving a pattern of green flowing water with a flowery pattern on it)

"That's one down" she said removing the blood on her fan "tell me how many exactly is the reported demon in here" ask the voice that she can only hear

System: there are three dear host

Right after the invisible voice answer her. Two hands appear on the ground in an attempt to grab her ankle but she immediately reacts and jumps off to dodge the attack of seemingly two demons underground

'Two of them' she thought

"Thanks for coming to me. I don't need to waste my time finding the two of you" she said smiling. Drawing her other fan, she put on another stance

"Ocean Breathing, Second Form: Whirlpool Prisoner" restricts the movement of the two demons and decapitates them easily

"That's all right" she said giving a sigh showing some tiredness in her voice

System: the demon you killed have the power to clone itself so there's one more

"What!!??.... " She asked when she just notice the other demon. Its claw is a cm away from her neck. She knows that she cannot react to it fast enough to dodge or deflect it. She knew that she was going to die

'I'm sorry looks like I can never fulfill that wish' she thought, closing her eye and preparing herself to die... A few seconds pass and she thought ' what happened did the demon give up on killing me'

She slowly opens her eyes and saw a man with tall stature and athletic build, known to have an air of great optimism about him, having an enthusiastic smile plastered on his face nearly all the time. He had long bright yellow hair with red streaks akin to flames along with two shoulder-length bangs and two chin-length bangs on the side of his head, black forked eyebrows, and golden eyes that fade to red with white pupils. And wielding a familiar katana blade

She knows everything about him and she is just staring at the man she knew

'Kyojuro Rengoku' she thought, her heart started to beat fast in the sight of him

"Are you alright miss? " Kyojuro ask her with his usual face

'I can't believe to see her again' He thought looking at the girl

"Yes! Thank you for saving me" she said, bowing in front of him

"You don't need to say thank you, you pretty much do all the work," he said

"So, you're the mysterious demon slayer that been slaying demons for the past few months," He said

"How do you know," she asked, confused about how does Kyojuro know what she's been doing in the past months

"We receive a lot of reports about a demon slayer who is a beautiful woman and with an unusual green color of hair, who is one step ahead of our slayer, a slayer who killed demon before our man get to the place," Kyojuro said

"I see, I never knew that what I'm doing is been reported but looks like they over exaggerate in the description," she said with a little blush on her face

" I think it suits you well, you are beautiful," he said staring at her

This statement makes Aika blush more and Kyojuro notice it making him chuckle a little

"Don't laugh it's not funny" she said showing her embarrassment

"Sorry I didn't mean to. I just find you cute rather than pretty" he said with a smile

She then become quiet "Thanks! Well I'll be going then" she said

"wait before you leave, I'm Kyojuro Rengoku, may I know your name" Kyojuro ask her, stopping her from walking away

"Aika, ....Aika Fujiki," She said giving Kyojuro her beautiful smile " thanks again for saving my life," she said, bowing then heading in the opposite direction

Aika's POV

"I can't believe it, I didn't think to meet him there! C'mon heart calm down"

" I think it suits you well, you are beautiful" "sorry I didn't mean to. I just find you cute rather than pretty"

"Ahhhhhh! Stop thinking about it. I just meet him in person for the first time and I'm already falling for him. Well it's not that I don't like him,  in the first place I'm like one of his biggest fan back in my world" 'I even have his poster in my room back in my world'

Kyojuro's POV

" that is her name. What a beautiful name, I'm really happy to see her again"

'Though for her it might be her first time seeing me but I will never forget her that night'


A few months ago

"Flame Breathing, First Form Unknowing Fire" instantly decapitated the demon in front of me leaving a trail of flame

"Flame Hashira we're taking over from here," one of the Kakushi said

"Please attend to all the wounded civilians," I said, putting my sword to the scabbard

"Yes sir! " the kakushi said bowing his head to me

While walking back to the headquarter a sudden breeze of air pass through me from the other side of the forest and for some reason I just feel something or maybe I'm curious and follow where this fresh air is coming from. I walk and walk, took me a minute before I was able to see a stunning place but one more thing that caught my eyes, not so far from where I'm standing on is a beautiful girl with the unusual color of hair dancing. She executes every movement precisely and gracefully. I couldn't do anything but to stand and watch her it was like my eyes is glued to her beautiful face and I just couldn't stop being mesmerized by her, my heart is beating fast like never been before when she finished her dance I try to approach her but



'That's the first time I saw her and I can't believe to see her again, maybe it's fate that lead me to that place and today's event for me to see her again'


Thanks for reading Chapter 11. *^▁^*
I would appreciate your votes and comments #^_^#

Stay Safe and Take Care of Everyone. ::>_<::

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