Chapter 9: Saving a Life

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"Text"- dialogue
'Text'- thought


Aika's POV

It took me 2 hours before arriving in the town. Along the way I get to kill another two demons and acquired additional 4 experience points, so now I have a total of 6 points. It's more than enough for me to wish for the Blue Spider Lily.

'I'm starting to get used to killing demons and that is a good thing I need to kill more demons in the future'

System: we are here, dear host

"Yes, so this is the town that has the report of missing young man"

System: Yes

"OK let's start investigating" I walk around the town and see nothing unusual about the town.

'This is so weird, these people are so peaceful for a town with missing people'





Random Demon slayer Corps POV


"Another mission? Alright crow leads the way"





Aika's POV

'It's already dark but there is still no unusual happening, I have a bad feeling about this' I thought while sitting on one of the roofs of the house



" PLEASE! PLEASE! Chief my son is still not coming back" a man said begging the other man that seems to be the chief of this town

"I am sorry Ogawa-San but you do know that I can't do anything about it," the chief said

The chief just leaves the man on the floor and seems the people around him don't care or attention to the man.

'Looks like the people around here doesn't have an eye or even an ear, well let's see what's up with his son, it can be relayed to the demon'

I jump off the roof and approach the man

"Hello Sir! may I know what's the problem, I might be able to help you" I said to the man while giving him a warm smile

"You... You are one of them," the man said

'One of them? did he think the demon slayer corps, well I am not yet officially but well let's just go with it I just gave him another smile

"May I know your name, Sir?" I ask the man

"Ogawa Daisuke" the man said

"Nice to meet you Ogawa-san," I said while bowing "Can you tell me about your son," I asked

"My son Sora is still not coming back home and I know that a man of his age is been missing in this town but the people here don't care about it," Ogawa-san said

"Can you tell me why? " I asked

"I don't know why we are just a new tenant in this town but I hear that even though they do something about it they do not go far in investigation and they never see the people who are been missing," Ogawa-san said

'So, the town here is not peaceful, they just give up and accepted the incident'

"Ogawa-san can you tell me which direction your son takes when he leaves the house"

"That way," he said while pointing in the direction his son take

"Ok, Ogawa-San I want you to wait here and I'll do my best to save your son," I said

"Please save my son," he said while bowing

I quickly run in the direction he pointed 'I just hope I'm not too late'




"This is blood" Looking at the three with the mark of blood 'And this is new'

I quickly start running to the place where these blood trails lead me.

"PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME! " I suddenly hear a voice not so far ahead

I quickly fasten my pace... Far ahead I saw a demon holding the man on his neck with his left hand. I quickly draw my fan cut the arm of the demon and catch the man from falling.

"Ahhhhhhh!!! " the demon said in pain

"Are you alright?" I ask the man

He just silently looked at me

'He scared and he got stab in the abdomen. I need finish this quickly and attend to his wounds' I thought while looking at the man

"You'll be fine! May I know your name" I ask him I said while standing in front of him

"Sora," he said

'Thank goodness I am not too late

"Sora you don't need to worry, for now, I want you to put some pressure on your wounds to stop the bleeding and go find a place to hide," I said and he gives me a nod and did what I told him

"Good!!, now then," I said while giving my attention to the demon who looks like a girl

"Damn you woman give me my prey," the demon said while regenerating her left arm

"I am not letting you," I said with a serious face

"You! " the demon shouts dashing towards me

And I easily dodge it in a dance-like movement

"You're pretty fast and unique but too bad for you, your speed is nothing to me," she said and suddenly disappear in front of my eyes


Thanks for reading the Chapter 9.*^▁^*
I would appreciate your votes and comments #^_^#

Stay Safe and Take Care Everyone! ::>_<::

Mwaaaa. >o<

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