^^ Sora's fit.

I look good.

I leave the house and I quickly get into my car, driving to the destination I was given.

I step out of the car and give my keys to the valet.

I take a deep breath in and I exhale before walking in.

In the dim light I search, and almost immediately spot my friend's table and I make my way over.

He stands to greet me, I give him his gift, then I take my seat, greeting all of them.

We all talk, drink and laugh together, discussing anything and everything as per usual.

I stand up to go to use the bathroom before our food gets here.

I'm walking away from the table, when I bump into someone.

"Steady, Itsuki" the person says.

I look down slightly to see someone.


And then I look at her dress.

^^ Nova's dress

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^^ Nova's dress.

She looks so good.

I knew her body was amazing.

But in this dress...

I try not to be a complete creep

But it's so sheer that I can see that she isn't wearing a bra.

So I do the respectful thing of shifting my attention.

She's not alone.

She has a tall dark skinned man on her arm.

And by the way he grips her waist, he must be her boyfriend.

"I apologise Lux" I say meekly.

"Who's this Novee?" The man asks.

I stick out my hand for him to shake and he takes it, shaking firmly.

"TJ, this is Sora Itsuki. He's the athlete I'm training, that I told you about. Sora. This is my good friend Taran Johnson" Lux introduces.

Good friend, huh?

None of my business.

"Nice to meet you man" TJ says with a blinding smile.

I smile back warmly.

He seems cool.

"Excuse us. We should take our seats." Lux says.

I nod, giving them way.

I see them sit in the booth close by to us.

The place is dimly lit, which means if I hadn't bumped into them, I probably wouldn't have noticed them walk in.

I go to the bathroom as I had initially planned and when I get back, I see that the attention has turned to an act on the stage.

It's a music performance.

The singers look great in their costumes and the lights around us have been dimmed even more, so that the stage is the main focus.

I sit back down in my seat and I watch the performance.

As great as the show is though, I feel like my eyes keep travelling.

They move to Lux.

TJ kisses her ear, trying to get her attention, but she focuses on the play.

He kisses her neck.

He says something in her ear, but she looks indifferent.

He says something into her ear again and she looks at him.

She looks down at his lips and then back to his eyes.

I see him reach under her skirt and he gives her a desperate look.

She gives him a cold smirk.

She says something to him and I notice his hand sneak up further.

Now, I shouldn't be watching...

But the looks on her face as he continues obviously doing something that could get them in trouble...

I can't look away.

As if sensing my gaze, Lux's eyes are on mine.

Instinct tells me to snap my eyes away.

But I can't.

We continue making eye contact as her date tries to bat for her attention.

My heart rate speeds up, when I see her reaction changes and she stares at him, while he grins.

Is he...?

I snap out of it and I look away.

I feel my whole body flush with embarrassment.

I digest what I have just seen and I realise that I'm going to see her face to face in the morning.

How the fuck do I explain that I was watching her?

And there is no denying it either, because she has caught me looking and made direct eye contact with me.

I try as hard as possible, to focus on my friend and his birthday and the amazing food we buy.

But my mind continues to flicker back to Lux.

I look up, to see if she's still there, and she and her date are gone.

One of the boys leans over.

"You okay Sora? You seem distracted" he says genuinely.

I smile and nod.

"I'm fine bro. I promise" I lie.

I'm not fine.

In fact, I'm shitting myself over having to see my new trainer in the morning.

Maybe the ground will swallow me up before then?

I sigh inwardly.

I would have no such luck.

I'm going to have to face this and face it like a man.

What did you all think?

Tell me in the comments and don't forget to vote!

~ NJNJ14.

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