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Dust hung in the air.

Gunner coughed loudly.

He rolled over, feeling rocks and dust beneath his green body.

His jumpsuit wasn't torn to tatters after the explosion, much to his surprise.

He yanked his ankle out from under a brick with a tug.

Standing up on two shaky legs, Gunner rubbed his temple. His head pounded. His snout dripped with blood.

Through the rubble, he tried to dig for his utility belt. The belt housed all types of medical tools and food. He searched for perhaps five minutes, his scaly hands getting covered in filth, careful not to cut himself on shards of glass.

"Dammit. It's gone." He kicked the dirt beneath him as he spoke.

Gunner hadn't seen Julie since before the explosion. He called out for the two of them. Walking through the mess. Walking over dead Barg, tripping over broken limbs and squishing brain particles.

In the parking lot, he found a row of buggies.

Limping, he leaned against one of the vehicles.

A familiar voice struck his ears.

Turning, he aimed his pistol at the figure, who was shrouded in thick dust which polluted the air.

"Hey whoa! You're looking pretty beat up, my friend!" Said the Barg with both his hands raised above his head.

"Astro! Where the hell did you come from?" Gunner lowered his weapon.

"I was actually outside of the building when it all came down. Forced to take orders from Commander Taurus. Or be killed in some horrible way." Astro approached Gunner. Wearing the familiar Barg uniform and on his reptilian head, was a headset with a microphone.

"Where's Taurus anyway?" Astro cocked his head left and right, looking at the destroyed elements.

"I shot him." The lizard-teen paused, taking in a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry, man. That's really rough." Astro looked to the sky, not knowing truly what to say about a son shooting his father.

"He was an evil stain on our society. Look, I need to find Julie Jenkins and David Jenkins." Gunner placed his hands on his hips. "Do you know them?"

From his pocket, Astro revealed a plastic, yellow scanner and pressed a few random keys on the scanner, buttons with all types of numbers and letters. Then, handed Gunner the item. The screen of the scanner showed a single dot upon a digital map, which beeped softly.

"How'd you do that?" Gunner asked, fascinated by Astro's swiftness.

"All the humans who are brought here are implanted with a tracking device. Taurus wanted us to keep tabs on everyone." Astro nodded.

"You're a lifesaver." Gunner nuzzled his friend and ran to one of the buggies, the scanner still in his hand.

He hopped behind the wheel of the buggy, adjusting the seat for his incredible height.

Gunner knew if he could track her, so could other Barg.

He sped off as soon as he found the key to the vehicle, down the same highway Julie had. His hands gripped the wheel.

The wind blew into his face.

The engine roared in his ears.


Julie knew getting across to the Canadian border would be a hassle, but the thought of less extraterrestrial activity made her excited. Of course, she could be wrong. Maybe Canada was swarming with aliens, and they'd get captured. Why did Julie think escaping across the border was a grand idea? Hope. Hope that life could somehow be brought back to normalcy.

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