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"Scooby sure likes to take his damn time."


Charlotte and Derek watch as Scott and Stiles follow Sheriff into the office, Stiles quickly reaching into his pocket and throwing something towards the Lynx.

Charlotte quickly catches it, her eyes lighting up when she sees that it's a pack of gummy bears.

"Fuck yeah, thanks, Jeep Boy!" Charlotte calls out, opening the packet with a large smile.

"How old are you?" Haigh asks her with squinted eyes.

"Thirty two." Charlotte hums, not looking up from her legs, that are swinging back and fourth.

"Would it hurt you to answer me properly?" Haigh asks with a scoff.

"Yeah, it fucking kills me. Like, the pain, it's starting in me chest... then it just spreads everywhere. Like poison." Charlotte hums, blatantly looking at the mug of coffee in Haigh's hand.

Haigh, seeing her look at his cup with a smirk after she says 'poison', quickly puts the object down, thinking it's been poisoned.

"How old are you?" The deputy asks again.

"Eight." Charlotte replies.

"See? That wasn't so-" Haigh starts with a smug hum.

"Oh no... it's starting..." Charlotte starts, holding her hand up so he stops talking.

"It hurts, it hurts so bad..." Charlotte dramatically sobs, her hand over her chest as she starts to cough violently.

Haigh quickly stands up in panic when the eight year old falls off the bench, her eyes closed and a few forced tears running down her cheek.

But what really makes Haigh and the other deputies panic, is when they don't see the young girl breathing.

"Someone, get an-" One of the deputies start, only to get cut off when Charlotte starts laughing.

"I need an Oscar for that one." The Lynx chuckles, wiping the tears from her face before she sits next to a laughing Derek.

"Are you fucking serious?" Haigh asks incredulously, being one of the few deputies that fall back into their seats out of relief.

"No, that's Remus' job. I can't fuck anyone, I'm eight years old." Charlotte shakes her head with an innocent smile, making Haigh glare at her again.

"Ask what you were gonna ask." The Lynx waves her hand at Haigh.

"Why do you swear at eight years old?"

"I don't know. Why do you still live with your parents at thirty years old?" Charlotte asks curiously, making Parrish let out a loud snicker.

"You little-" Haigh starts with a harsh glare.

"Haigh!" Sheriff yells as he walks over, Scott and Stiles in tow.

"You two should have just seen my performance." Charlotte excitedly tells them.

"We did. Quite impressive." Scott hums.

"Quite? You literally made every single deputy panic, you deserve an Oscar for that shit." Stiles scoffs, laughing a little.

"You see?" Charlotte asks Derek smugly, making the werewolf roll his eyes.

"We need to talk to you two." Sheriff looks between the two Hales, smiling a little when Charlotte sends him a grin.

"Sounds serious... count me out." Charlotte scrunches her nose a little, making the Sheriff send her a look.

Touch pt.2 | Lydia Martin Where stories live. Discover now