"Norns Y/N, I am so sorry. I am terrified and disgusted at my behaviour. Look at you, I have hurt you."

She took his hand in hers and looked down at them entwined. He loved the sight of his slim dexterous hands holding hers, his fingers long caressjng the back of her hand. His knuckles were red and swollen from cracking them, he must have been incredibly stressed. "Loki, please don't  be so hard on yourself. I was scared, and there was some pain but... When I saw you, in your true form I have to admit a large part of me wanted you, I felt joy when you bit me, when you took me hard. I don't know what came over me, it was like a lust I just had to satisfy. I felt you hot kn my heels, it just felt..."

She looked up at him through her lashes and sighed. "I haven't ever felt like that ever, it was feral and wild, I craved it. At first I was afraid, terrified of you and I ran, but then I got this feeling as I ran, like I wanted you to chase me. It... it turned me on and I felt it turned you on too." She admitted, her face heating with shyness and she pulled her legs together thinking about how he took her in the woods.

"You were right." He took a slice cheese and put it on a piece of rye, holding it up for her to bite which she  did. "Right about what?" She chewed and looked at him with sliht confusion. "About my mother, about my story. I need to open that chapter of my life. Before, I never thought about it."

"And now?" She asked expectantly.

"And now I need more answers than I thought."


Loki spent less time on matters of business and deciding to spend more time with Y/N. When the staff came back Y/N and Loki had a time trying to explain why the garden and indeed bedroom furniture had been smashed to pieces including a large mirror originally a gift from the god Njord, Freyja's father and protector.

The old barrel like woman huffed and cleaned, while the gardner reimagined the garden lay out, continously giving the couple little glares which Loki and Y/N giggle about at their leisure. Over the next few days, Y/N and Loki spent time outdoors, hiking, swimming and other joyful activities befitting a married couple.

Loki sat in the day room one afternoon with Y/N when Erla came in with an important delivery. The package contained volumes of mating rituals of the Jötunn and their females.

There was a note:

Dearest son,

Please find books from my personal collection, and the book of Jötunn royalty among the tomes I have sent you. After.much reading, it seems Jötunn males 'claim' their females with a bite, while the mark will fade to the naked eye over time, it will always be visible to other Jötunn males as a warning not to attempt her in any way.

Love, as always- Frigga

Loki blushed, it was true. The bite had dissapeared from Y/N's flesh, but he could still see it, sense it, and any other Jötunn male would see that he had marked her hard in a fit of lust, savagely claiming her again, and again. He thought about that morning again, the same of taking her on the cold dirty ground shoving into her delicate flesh. He thought he had made her scream and he had marked her, a frenzied brand forever. Despite this, Y/N seemed pleased with him as if it were normal, singing to herself and content with being by his side and eating berries that had been brought up by Erla. 

"Are those from Asgard?" Y/N asked while chewing on the blueish berries she had become fond of.  "Yes, pet. For us. If I am to discover the reason for my change I will need to be at study. I need to ensure you will be safe."
Y/N popped the last berry into her mouth. "Can we do that later? I was thinking we could go on a hike into the countryside. Maybe get lost on the wayside with a picnic, maybe some wine?" She moved over to straddle him and brought her arms around his neck, she was wearing a negligee in light blue with a dressing gown in the same colour. The dressing gown slipped as she shifted closer over him, revealing how short the negligee was,  seeing enough that she wasn't wearing any underwear.

Her mischievous grin caught him off guard as he smiled back and hummed his approval and he grasped her waist. "Why do I think that a picnic isn't the activity you had in mind, pet?"

"Hmmm, you have good instincts husband of mine. We could spend the afternoon in the forest then, you liked it there last time."
The woods did seem like the perfect place, quiet, desolate, reminiscent of their first encounter, but he couldn't trust himself not to turn. Her scent was maddening, and he felt a growl begin emerge from the back of his throat as she began undulate her hips over him.

His lips stroked over her neck, and he felt her tense a little over the area he bit her, and he shuddered she is yours, your mate... his mind whispered. He could sense her need for him, and his mind whispered to give her what she was craving.
"I mean, how are we to beget an heir if we aren't taking every advantage to make that happen?" Her thumb stroked over his cheek and Loki's stomach fluttered at the thought. Y/N his wife and the mother of his child was the most wonderful thought to him, but the thought of a Jötunn child,  their offspring so big and fearsome, he was scared of what it may do to her.

He placed on of his hands on her tummy spanning the area of her abdomen. He wanted nothing more than to see her round with his child, their children; stunning young women with their mothers beauty and wit, strapping lads with their fathers eyes and penchant for mischief. But not at the expense of his woman, he would forgo that honour if he had to, to keep his love safe.


A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other. And this was true of Y/N and Loki, they found one another is the most unusual circumstances, but what they hadn't realised is that their meeting had been orchestrated by Brokkr.

He never wanted a the silver ring he got Y/N to steal, he wasn't even really interested in revenge on Loki, itnwas all about proving his hunch right; their union woud provide the opportunity he needed to gain more power and become unstoppable.
The cosmos was a fickle thing, unless all your ducks were in a row, it was almost impossible to get the desired future you could want; the one you needed to ensure it all happened just as you needed it to.

There were many things he had done to ensure the future ran smoothly. Y/N had stopped her fræeyðandi remedy in hopes of securing an heir, their promised daughter was the key to ensuring Brokkr would get the power he deserved no matter what. It was just a matter of time.


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