a test of willpower

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Am I...


Those words repeated in my head as my vision started to fade. I didn't want to die! I still had so much more I wanted to do. But...I failed. Failed my friends, my family...I failed everyone. Not even my strongest move could stop him....

"Maybe death isn't so bad for me after all...." 

Blood pooled around me, as visions of my childhood flashed through my head. Needless to said, the memories were painful. Not something a child should ever go through.

"Come to think of it...what is my happiest childhood memory?"


Oh yeah...it was that day. I was about...5-6 my father had gone out to the "store" (let's face it, he was probably out drinking again). So my mom decided to take me and my sister to the beach. Not a lot of people were actually there since it was a weekday, plus it was spring. She thought it would be nice since it was one of those rare opportunities for Yuzuki to be away from dad, thus not be able to manipulate her into bullying me.

"Uhm, mama, why are we at the beach?" Yuzuki questioned, since it was only spring. "Well since it's such a nice day i figured it wouldn't be a bad idea. Besides, don't you love the beach?"

"Yeah I do...but why does Kaoru have to come??"

"We can't exclude your brother, that's mean"

"But...papa said we can exclude him if we wanted too"

"Oh that's just him talking. It's a lot more fun if Kaoru comes. Besides, he wants to play with you, isn't that right Kaoru?" Mother asked with a kind smile

"Mhm! C'mon Yuzuki let's plan. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease" I gave her the puppy dog eyes"

Yuzuki sighed. "Fiiiine since you really want to. But we play what I want, got that?" I nodded in response as she tagged me. "tag! You're it!" And she took off

"Hey wait up!" I chased after the girl

*End of flashback*

"Huh....that was pretty nice" I thought with a small smile. It was a great time, too bad moments like that don't last forever. And now I'd probably never get a chance to make memories like that ever again. I then thought back to my grandma, and how she put so much time and effort into training me. But there was one point in my life, around the middle of middle school (ba dum tiss), where I had decided to give up on my hero dream. With mom being gone, dad being dad, and Yuzuki no longer having someone to help her see the light, I was basically screwed. 

"But then I met him"


It was another day in middle school, around lunchtime. I had taken my usual seat near the window, just tuning out the idle chatter of my peers. But once again I had noticed Bakugo and his crew bullying Izuku again.

"Kacchan cut it out!" Midoriya exclaimed as he tried to get his chopsticks back from Bakugo, only for him to make small explosions with his hand, scaring Midoriya from getting closer. "Or what? You'll use your quirk on me? Oh wait, I forgot, you don't have one!" This caused an uproar of laughter from Bakugo's crew. "Tch, annoying" I got up from my seat and made my way over to them.

"Stupid defenseless De-" he was cut off by the fact I took away Midoriya's chopsticks, pushing him slightly. "What's your problem eh???"

"Nothing, but these chopsticks don't belong to you. So I'm taking them back" I explained nonchalantly

"Just who do you think you are huh?! I'll blast you to high hell!"

"Me? I'm Kaoru Shirogane. Nice to meet you"

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