Dad battle

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Fear settled in my veins as I told several steps back. Junya Shirogane, the man I call father. He was the source of my suffering for a full 14 years. It was a...traumatic experience to say the least. And just when I thought I would be rid of him forever, he shows up now of all times? How could I even move?

"Y'know, ever since my trip to prison, I realized just how stupid society is. Why should I let those stupid heroes dictate what I do with my life? My quirk?" Dad walked forward cracking his knuckles, while I was still frozen with fear. "Well? You gonna say something or not? This is a nice farther-son reunion, so at least give me a 'hello' or something."

"Y-You're...back...b-but I thought-" I stuttered as I took several steps back

"Thought what? That the pathetic prison they put me in would keep me forever? Please it's not like I was in tartarus. Besides, the league of villains busted me out" he explained. "It's a shame such a strong quirk like yours is wasted on the hero's side. Say, why not become a villain? Maybe then you'll be less pathetic than you are now" dad taunted as before chuckling

"No way in hell....not after what you put me through" I retaliated, my fear turning into anger. "I finally felt like my life was normal after you were sent to prison, so no matter the reason, I'M NOT JOINING YOU!"

"I see, very well then" dad reached into is pocket before pulling out a strange green pill, then eating it, causing a surge of calories and strength to course through him.

"Monster capsules sure come in handy" he got into a fight stance. "Speed boost: mad dash!" suddenly, the brunette man dashed towards me at an incredible pace, one that would make even Iida jealous, before dealing a swift punch to my gut, causing me to spit up blood. I couldn't even see the punch coming.

"Junya Shirogane - his quirk: enhance. By using the calories in his body he can boost or "enhance" a physical aspect of his body. For example, his speed and reflexes"

"What the hell?! How is he even faster than before?!" I thought as I jumped back. "Screw this, I need a pro hero" I activated my rocket boots before attempting to fly away, but then...

"And where do you think you're going?" My father had already grabbed my leg. "Fight me you coward!" I was then slammed into the ground several times, lucky for me I had managed to knock his hand off with a rocket boosted kick while still on the ground. I then got up and activated my gauntlets before attempting to deal a meteor impact to his face, but he casually sidestepped away. "Predictable!" Once again he grabbed me and threw me into the ground. "Now die!" Power surged through his fist as he dealt a powerful punch, only this one seemed to be a bit slower than before, thus I was able to react to it this time and block it with my gauntlet. Taking this opportunity, I blasted him away with a charged shot, standing up afterwards.

"Not bad" he chuckled before dashing at me once again, this time dashing around all over the place, occasionally dashing at me to strike. Though for most of his strikes I couldn't even see it before it was too late, I felt myself getting more comfortable with his fighting style, I needed a way to get a good hit on him while he was dashing. "Looks like I'll have to yolo it" I revved up one gauntlet. "Meteor impact!" I made a guess as to where he was gonna go next and punched in that direction. I got lucky and managed to punch him right in the face, so I prepared a follow up. However, it was futile. My follow up was caught in his hand as he pulled me closer before dealing a headbutt, which dazed me a bit.

"you little shit! Power boost: iron star fist!" Wham! I was hit right in the middle of my chest with a damn powerful punch that sent me flying back, skidding on the ground after a certain distance. "I'll admit it, you're definitely learning, but remember who you get your regeneration from. The only two attacks you landed so far have not even left lasting damage. You may be smart, but you're weak, give up an join the league, or die right here"

"He's I am now there's no way I can defeat him, my only shot it so activate burst flare" I thought as I struggled to stand up, coughing up more blood. "It'll take some time, but if I can keep him in one spot, I'll be able to do this" and with that, I started to charge up my attack. "Like I said before, I'm not joining you, no matter the reason. You can threaten me all you want, but I'm not the same fragile little boy I once was. So you can fuck right off your your bullshit offer! Flash shotgun!" I fired a total of 45 beams at once all aimed at the man I call "father"

"Tch, idiot" dad grunted as he prepared to use his quirk again. "Defense boost: stone wall!" He used his quirk to enhance his defensive prowess, allowing him to tank all of the blasts at once without so much as a sweat. Of course, that was apart of my plan.

"Look kid, you're only gonna hurt yourself more if you keep it up like this. It'll save us both trouble if you just died" my dad said as the dust from my attack settled. Just then, two bright orange lights could be seen in the distance. "The hell-" turns out, those were two flaming blasts from my now heated gauntlets, hitting the fellow Shirogane head on. "What the hell?!"

"You have a point, I am physically weak. That's why I have this ace up my sleeve. Hope you like it" with that being said, I dashed forward right in front of the villain, dealing a rocket punch to his gut, staggering him a little. I then quickly followed up with a ruthless combo of flaming punches, ending with a giant blast of burning energy which sends him flying. As my opponent flew, I launched my hook shot, pulling him towards me, and blasting him yet again. Suddenly he just wasn't that tough anymore.

"Annoying bastard...I'll put you to rest now" and yet he still got up. Sure we was weakened a bit because of the intense heat, but one thing I can say about this family, is that it takes a lot for us to call it quits. "Speed boost: mad dash!" And we were at it again, dashing around all over the place, clashing attacks. Shockwaves and flames flew all over the place, spreading across the grass and trees. It was crazy.

"Power boost: iron star fist" once again he dealt a powerful punch, but this time I was prepared. "Unrivaled strength!" I caught the punch with both hands, using the rocket boosters to stop the force of it, burning his hand in the process. "Nice try!" I taunted before throwing him over my shoulder, launching him far away. "Alright, time to finish this!"

Once again I dashed at my opponent, this time wrapping several of my hook shots around him, completely restraining him, and then sent an electrical shock through the wires, which electrocuted him badly. Finally, I aimed both gauntlets at him, charging them with a massive amount of energy. "This is the end for you. Flash bang!" I unleashed my attack, resulting in a massive fiery explosion, leaving a large crater in it's wake.

As the dust and ash from that attack settled, I cooled down my gauntlets, thinking the battle is over. "Finally...I can rest" I thought as I deactivated my gauntlets. However...that assumption couldn't be more wrong.

The dust fully settled, and as it turned out, my father was still conscious, slowly regenerating from the burns. By this point his shirt had been burned off from the blast. "Well...seems that I underestimated you kid. You're pretty good." He then took a syringe out of his pocket. "Seems like now would be a good time to use this. Heheheheh..." He injected the syringe, laughing manically from the effect it gave. Once again I felt scared.

"Omni boost" he said as he grew visibly bulkier, gaining all the boosts he used before now at once. I stood up and activated my gauntlets yet again, despite only being at 15% power. "This is bad, I don't have enough energy for this, what can I even do???" My thoughts were frantic, and that caused my reaction time to stop working entirely as my father seemingly disappeared, before reappearing in front of me. "Goodbye...Kaoru" he made a claw-like hand sign before striking me in the chest, piercing my skin. I gasped slightly, as my eyes went completely blank.

He stabbed me right in the lungs with just his fingers. It was over for me, I couldn't even move from the pain. Removing his fingers from my chest, the villain started talking, as I fell backwards.

"There are plenty of people like you y'know.....inexperienced.....weak...thinking they can take on anyone they come across. But in this world...."

"There will always be someone stronger than you"

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