obligatory villain attack

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The third day of training camp begins and everyone does their usual routines of training. After a while, Pixie-Bob had an announcement.

"We're potting classes against each other in a test of courage! I know you've been training hard, and later you'll get to play hard! How's that for a reward?"

"Don't slack off now! Make sure you keep pushing yourself as you work!"

"Yes ma'am!"


Afterwards, dinner time comes. The menu: vegetable stew

"Okay guys, watch this" I said as a took a potato. "I can instantly cook this potato to perfection in just a second" I activated my gauntlets and heated them up, causing the potato to be cooked. "Ta-da!"

"Not bad, but uh...we're supposed to be boiling the potatoes, not baking them" Kirishima reminded


"I'll try it!" Kaminari enthusiastically grabbed a potato and try to use his quirk to cook it, only to use too much electricity and fry it completely

"Stop fooling around!" Iida demanded (rude)

Well anyways, we finally made the damn stew and eat it. Now for the good shit

"Perfect! We filled our bellies and cleaned the dishes! It's time for..." Pixie-Bob was this close to introducing the test, buuuuut...

"A totally awesome test of courage!" Ashido expressed her excitement

"We're gonna win!" The rest of the dudes who failed the final exams followed suit

"Not so fast." Aizawa said, "it pains me to say this, but the remedial class will be having lessons with me instead"

"You gotta be kidding me!" Ashido looked quite scared

"Sorry b your training during the day didn't impress me. So I'll be using this time too" Aizawa binded the group with his scarf and dragged them away

"Can we get an f in the chat for these guys?"





Etc etc....

"Okay! So, class B is going to start out as our scarers. While they're in place, class A will leave in pairs every three minutes. There are tags with your names at the far end of the route. Your goal is to collect those!" Pixie-Bob explained to everyone

"Sounds easy..."

"Revelry in the dark..."

"Those who are scammers aren't allowed to make physical contact! Use your quirks to terrify the others, got it?"

"The winners are the creative students that make the most students piss their pants!" Tiger added on

"So it's a scare contest to encourage us to use our quirks in creative ways. That's...actually really good training" I mumbled to myself

The Mechanical Hero (Momo Yaoyorzu x Male OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat