Obstacle course

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And we're off, the obstacle course starts and everyone rushes through the door like fucking idiots. Obviously the door is too small to fit everyone, so we'll have to get creative to get through it

Kaoru:*thinks* amateurs, watch how a real future pro does it

I prepare to fly with my rocket shoes but then a blast of cold wind hits me and a few others freezing us instantly

Kaoru:*thinks* or not....wait, Todoroki?

Through the ice I notice Todoroki had used his quirk to freeze us and take the lead. I break free of the ice thanks to the heat generated from my rocket shoes and manage to catch up

Kaoru: y'know people with elemental quirks have it easy, they're both effective and flashy, but I'm not gonna let that stop me

Bakugou: I won't let you get away easily you icy-hot bastard!

Kaoru:*thinks* icy-hot? I feel like freezer burn would have been a better insult

As the race continues many students are able to break free of Todoroki's ice. For example Mineta uses his sticky balls and to just bounce over the ice

Mineta: you think you're so cool! But I outsmarted you!

Kaoru:*thinks* tch, show off

Mineta: time for my special move! Grape-

Before he can unlease his all powerful, universe destroying attack, he ends up getting bonked by a robot and sent flying

Kaoru:*thinks* oh damn-, we got zero pointers up in this course

Present Mic: ooooooh! Enemies have shown up out of nowhere!

Kaminari: are those the zero point villains from the entrance exam??!

Random competitor: seriously? The hero course had to fight those?!

Kaoru: I wouldn't really say "fight" more like run the hell away from *thinks* I can easily make it past these guys, no need for the pointless energy waste

Todoroki: careful now, I froze them when they were off balance, on purpose

So yeah Todoroki is clearly determined to win because I believe I saw a few people get crushed by that falling robot

After avoiding many of the robots I notice one in the way of the path

Kaoru: welp, looks like we're doing this now

The robot throws a giant punch at me which I easily dodge before activating the rocket boosters on my gauntlet and throwing a powerful punch to the robot's head. I then charge up and fire a laser blast finishing it off

Kaoru: easy

Bakugou: move it CPU!

Kaoru: coming up with new nicknames are we Blasty?

The race continues as the next area in the obstacle course appears. It's some kind of....I'm honestly not sure how to describe it. But it's like this huge hole in the group with a bunch of rock pillars protruding out of it

Uraraka: when did they have time to even build something like this?

Kaoru: who knows

I easily fly over the whole thing not wasting a moment. However I do notice that many of class 1-A has made it past

Kaoru: sorry guys, but this is a competition. So some of you are gonna have to lose

Kaminari: what are you talking about?!

Kaoru: here, have a present for making it this far

I fire off several energy blasts me making them rain down on those unfortunate enough to be behind me. Nothing personal of course, just trying to win

Kaoru: hmph

As I come to the final obstacle I notice Bakugou and Todoroki fighting over first place, I try to join in the fight but then suddenly a large explosion goes off sending a huge piece of metal flying past us

Present Mic: class 1-A's Izuku Midoriya is in hot pursuit of the first place!

Kaoru: no way...

Me, Todoroki, and Bakugou all try and catch up with Izuku but it proves to be futile as the continues to fly forward. Not even using his quirk

Present Mic: in a sudden move, Midoriya blasted past his classmate from 1-A! I can't believe it! He cleared that minefield in an instant! Eraserhead! Your students are amazing!

Aizawa: this has nothing to do with me. Each of them is thrived by their own will to succeed

Present Mic: the first to make it back to the stadium in first place is our winner! Izuku Midoriya

Soon after Izuku makes it to the end, Bakugou and Todoroki follow suit, then me

Kaoru: damn....I thought I had this one too-

Izuku: sorry Shiro...I know you really wanted to win

Kaoru: don't apologize you idiot. You won, that's a good thing. You proved your tactical abilities yet again

Izuku: th-thank you!

Soon after everyone catches their breath and rests a bit Midnight proceeds with the next event

Midnight: the first game of the first years is finally over! And what a game it was! Now, let's take a quick look at the standings, shall we?

A big screen comes up showing where everyone stands

Kaoru:*thinks* fourth place isn't bad...better than a first round loss at least, but next time I'm gonna be on the podium. Hopefully in first

Midnight: only the top 42 will advance to the next round. But don't be let down if you didn't make the cut. We prepared other opportunities for you to shine! Now the real fun is about to begin! Will your wildest fantasies come to life? What could it be? The waiting is torture. Prepare yourselves!

Cavalry battle. There are mixed reactions to this, personality I don't care, as long as I make it to the next round

Kaoru: cavalry battle....huh, I wonder how they're gonna split us up

Midnight: allow me to explain, the participants will form teams of two to four people as they see fit. In theory it's basically the same as a regular playground game. But there's one difference, each player has been a sign a point value based on the results from the obstacle course

Sato: I get it. A point-based system like the entrance exam. That seems pretty simple

Kaoru: honestly I thought they would pull a "rational deception" as Aizawa-sensei would call it

Uraraka: so that means each team will have a point value based on what students are on it

Midnight: maybe you should let me explain things for you! *swings whip*

Kaoru:*thinks* conscience don't you say anything

Kaoru's conscience: wasn't going to

Midnight: now then. The point system goes up by increments of five, for example: 42nd place is worth five points, 41st places worth 10 points and the point valley we've assigned to the first place contestant is....ten million points!

Everyone glares at Izuku with an almost murderous intent

Midnight: that's right! It's survival of the fittest with the chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top!

Kaoru:*thinks* looks like this is my chance to rise, prepare yourself deku. I'm coming for you

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