(Chapter Two- The Mala-Mad Scientist)

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Beach CityThe Temple8:00 am

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Beach City
The Temple
8:00 am


Steven lets go of Peridot as he recognizes the noise coming from The Conservatory. He wonders who would be calling them at this time, Especially now since he told Homeworld that he would be exploring the world for a long time and won't be in touch. Maybe a Sapphire told the Diamonds of his arrival?Or maybe some other gem told them. He thought.

"What is that noise?" Greg confusingly asks. "I keep hearing it from time to time".

"Seems like someone is calling us from The Conservatory." Garnet explains. The Diamonds usually call to see if you're back yet. You kinda left without saying goodbye to them.

Steven looks at Garnet and rolls his eyes. "I told them when I came back I will let them know" Steven is disappointed that The Diamonds keep bothering his family on his return. "Well let's not keep them waiting" he says

"You guys go on ahead. I'll stay down here". Greg announces.

Peridot. Lapis and Bismuth look at each other and then look at Steven. "We'll stay down here and wait on ya" Bismuth states as they go to sit on the couch.

"Alright guys. We'll be right back." Steven says as He,Connie and the Crystal Gems go to The Conservatory.

As they walk upstairs, Steven notices the difference in his old room. He sees Greg guitar next to the bed, The picture of Greg and Rose, a baby picture of Steven and the painting of Rose, Greg and Steven. He stares at the painting in awestruck but is interrupted by Pearl calling his name.

Beach City
The Conservatory
8:15 am

Steven, Connie and the Crystal Gems enter The Conservatory and meet the communicator going off and turning pink

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Steven, Connie and the Crystal Gems enter The Conservatory and meet the communicator going off and turning pink. Steven goes up to it and turns it. As the screen unfolds, They all see a green gem wearing a trenchcoat and diamond shaped glasses on the screen staring right at them.

"Greetings Crystal Gems." The green gem says. "I am calling to request your assistance with an experiment."

"Oh..Um hello. Who are you?" Steven asks. The gem chuckles at the question

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