Chapter 88

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Lan Wangji was feeling all warm inside. He could not turn his eyes away from Wei Ying's face. Thus, he had seen the exact moment when the boy's eyes brightened as if by magic. He had seen the moment when Wei Ying had believed his words and when his stupefied expression had finally melted to give way to unbound happiness and a bright smile. Brighter than anything he had ever seen, even brighter than the sun at midday.

He could not say what exactly made this change, the boy had not believed his words until now, had he? Or had it been perhaps that they had not said the message correctly? Just what had caused this change in attitude?

Not that Lan Wangji was complaining, on the contrary. He was silently thanking all the gods above for this development. And also to Jiang Yanli, for he was convinced that she had already talked with her brother, the will to change must have originated from there. He had of course expressed his gratitude immediately; he just did not feel like it did her justice. She did not give herself enough credit for helping her brother and it worried him a little bit, those siblings were just too similar for his comfort. Nevertheless, he could care about Jiang Yanli later, now it was imperative to stay here with Wei Ying.

Unfortunately, it seemed like the good moment could not last. The boy had just now stopped smiling at him and lowered his head. Lan Wangji was alarmed at once as he could not tell what the reason was. Had he done or said something to upset the other unknowingly? Wei Ying was clutching at his robes and looking suddenly very unsure and uncomfortable. Lan Wangji wanted to cry and go back to a few seconds ago when the boy had still been all happy and well at ease.

However, the next second the situation changed yet again before he could even ask Wei Ying if he was alright or what was wrong. The boy lifted his head again, all cute and shy now. Lan Wangji almost gave out an audible sigh of relief as his great worry was dissipated instantly. Wei Ying was not scared or upset; it was more like he wanted to tell him something?

Lan Wangji could only guess this before the boy's lips remained sealed. Wei Ying was only looking at him with intense eyes, as if begging him to listen to him. Lan Wangji would be more than happy to hear everything he wanted to say. No matter if he just gestured it, articulated it or actually found his courage and said it aloud.

There was no need for any prompting from his side. Wei Ying seemed eager to pass his message to him. Lan Wangji observed him carefully, conscious of the fact that if he missed even the smallest of tells, he would perhaps not be able to guess what Wei Ying wanted to tell him. His eyes were picking up all the details: the boy pointing at the robes and then at himself and how his lips moved.

At first, Lan Wangji was seized by ice cold panic. He could not understand, he did not know what Wei Ying wanted to show him and the realization came crushing onto him with such force that he was not sure if was not already laying on the ground, flattened like a pancake. He looked at the robe again, hoping he would find any clues there. Maybe there was something wrong with it? That could not be, they had been brought in by a servant while he had been watching over a sleeping Wei Ying earlier, they were a courtesy of Lan Xichen.

Then, it finally downed on him and his worries dissipated at once. Since he had not said anything about giving Wei Ying any clothes, the boy must be asking if they were truly for him. A small amused laugh was born in Lan Wangji's chest and he had to suppress it if he did not want Wei Ying to think he was laughing at him.

He was amazed that the boy had put the clothes on and only asked him if they were his afterwards. It looked like he was getting braver in his actions by the second. Lan Wangji had hoped the note he had left on them, precisely for the boy to know that the robes were for him, would work. It had even outgrown his expectations.

He schooled his expression properly and nodded seriously: "Mn, the robes are for Wei Ying. Are they to your liking?"

Just as earlier, his words were coming to him with much more ease than in the past. As he knew Wei Ying needed all the reassurances he could give, he was determined to get better at expressing himself. And it worked like a charm. He was no longer bothered when he had to open his mouth and he was also getting better at conveying what was in his heart. It felt good to be able to say exactly what he wanted. Perhaps it could be useful not only when reassuring Wei Ying but also in other aspects of his life. That was yet to be seen.

Once again, he almost burst out laughing when he saw how enthusiastically Wei Ying replied to his question. Lan Wangji was more than certain that getting anything at all was a great surprise for the boy. He had seen his previous clothes and it had been clear to him that they had not been replaced for a very long time. Wei Ying had suffered a lot and had to get used to not having anything. This was not an issue anymore, Lan Wangji was determined to spoil him rotten. And if the simple act of providing a clean robe for him to wear was making the boy this moved, he could not wait for his reaction tomorrow when he would be able to join him for his studies.

Wei Ying lowered his head back down. Lan Wangji was not alarmed this time as he could tell it was not because of any negative emotions but simply to hide his tears. The boy was overwhelmed and probably needed a second to process everything, there was nothing easier for Lan Wangji than to provides it. There was no doubt the boy was finally coming out of his shell and opening up to him, letting him see all of his emotions. Or maybe it was just that Lan Wangji got used to reading him better. Either way, he could tell how Wei Ying was feeling and he was happy for him.

He did not even miss a silent 'Thank you' when the boy moved his lips. Lan Wangji was not sure he liked this; he had told the other before he should not be thanking him for something which should be taken as granted. But right now, he did not want to disturb Wei Ying by reminding him of this fact. They had a good future before them, there was time for Lan Wangji to repeat those words countless times and for Wei Ying to start feeling less grateful and get used to being shown kindness and respect.

They had finally managed to get through to each other, or at least that was what Lan Wangji wholeheartedly believed. Wei Ying was talking to him in his special, precious and adorable way and Lan Wangji was getting more comfortable with expressing himself. It was a miracle after everything what had happened and after all the misunderstandings of the last few days. Finally, they could understand each other and hopefully walk forward from now on. They could only get better at communication in the future.

"Wei Ying, come have dinner with me," Lan Wangji invited him after several minutes, once he was sure that the boy had calmed down sufficiently to relax again. Wei Ying's head snapped up at once and the smile which was brighter than the sun was back. 

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