Chapter 79

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Jiang Yanli could not help her slightly exaggerated reaction when seeing her brother smiling widely and being clan in a new very comfortably looking robe. He resembled his younger self so much that it made her cry. It had been so long since she had last seen him this relaxed and happy and it was melting her heart.

Before she could stop herself and double check that he would be alright with her touching him so suddenly, her arms had already wrapped around his frame and she was hugging him, crying all her happiness into his chest. She could feel how he stiffened under her touch and thought about quickly letting go. After all, she guessed that even if Wei Wuxian let himself ease up around Lan Wangji, his history with her was more complicated and was making him feel uncomfortable and conflicted.

However, she had to hide a grasp for air when Wei Wuxian not only did not draw back himself – which truthfully he never actually did and would only silently endure anything done to him when it came to it – but also lifted his hands to wrap them around her in return. It made Jiang Yanli's heart ache for him all that more. He was clearly in distress himself, and yet he still thought about comforting her first.

She had always known that his heart was made of gold and even if his mind had long been twisted by her mother and father in ways she despised the most, he still remained that sweet child which once upon the time got to smile at her and call her sister. She could not tell how Wei Wuxian could stay this gentle and caring after everything that had been done to him and what he had endured. She would have thought that after living through so much pain and betrayal, her brother would only worry about himself and not others.

And yet, that was far from truth. She had talked with Mo Xuanyu today and could confirm that despite everything, Wei Wuxian was still as caring and kind as the first time she had seen him. It was a double edged sword, she knew. Her brother would often hide his own pain in order to make her feel better and in the beginning, when he had barely started his life of a servant, he would try his best to console her and tell her that he did not mind. The innumerable smiles he had given her at that time were still haunting Jiang Yanli until this day.

Not anymore though, not anymore since the Wei Wuxian now was clearly offering comfort just as usually but at the same time, he was also letting himself be comforted in return. Lan Wangji and the rest of the Lans had truly managed a miracle.

"A-Xian, I am glad you are finally happy. I am sorry for being like this, I am just a little bit overwhelmed." She whispered into his ear and her voice was cracking with just how emotional she was at the moment.

She could not hold the words from spilling and there was also no need to hold them back anymore. She knew that her brother was really genuinely happy and that there was a normal life ahead of him now. Thinking this, it made her want to cry all over again. But this time, she could control herself. Enough with the tears! They must have made Wei Wuxian nervous and worried for her.

Once Jiang Yanli calmed down a little, she unglued herself from her brother's embrace. She took a step back to look at him again, keeping her hands on his shoulders out of pure joy that now she could without scaring him almost to death. She smiled at him to reassure him everything would be alright now. She was slightly disappointed when she saw him not looking so happy anymore, his smile had dimmed until it almost disappeared and he was fiddling with his white robe nervously.

Jiang Yanli stopped in and backtracked. It was only now that she fully acknowledged the change of clothes. The realization came crashing onto her the next second: her brother must have been nervous precisely because of this. He did not look quite well at ease in them, nevertheless, Jiang Yanli was glad to see the Lans were thinking about him also in this aspect. They must have seen that his old, worn-out robes of poor quality could not be used anymore. They were also not too appropriate for the season.

Her smile brightened and before she realized it, she was praising her brother's new attire: "I see that the Lans had given you new clothes. A-Xian looks especially handsome in them. You do not have to worry about anything now, it is all fine, really."

Only at the end of her sentence, when Wei Wuxian finally lifted his head to look at her, did she remember why she had come to seek him. In the beginning, she had only wanted to hand him the bottle of medicine for his hands, but now that she found him awake, this was as good of an opportunity as any for her to finally talk to him. She was sure the Lans had already told him everything. Then again, she wanted to reassure him as well.

Gods knew that he needed to hear those words from everyone to actually be able to believe them. After so many betrayed hopes, it would be no surprise if Wei Wuxian would have a hard time believing things were about to change for him. Just like that, out of the blue. It must have been way too abrupt for him, he would need time to get used to the idea that he could relax and not behave like a servant anymore.

Jiang Yanli blinked away the rest of her tears, feeling relived that her brother had already calmed down as well. Seeing him stare at her with a millions of questions clear in his eyes was breaking her heart yet again. She knew he probably did not understand the situation in the same way as her, that was something Jiang Yanli had to remedy immediately before a misunderstanding would arise between them. She reached out for her brother's hand and was pleasantly surprised when he did not flinch away this time either.

"Come, let us sit down. I have something important I want to tell my dear A-Xian."

She gently tugged him forward to sit on the bed as there was only one chair in the room. Wei Wuxian followed her directions obediently and let himself be sat on the white sheets, his back straight. At least he was not hiding away from her or hunching into himself anymore. This could actually work, Jiang Yanli thought as she told him all that was on her chest and hoped that he would believe in a better future.

Won't you believe me? (Servant no more - book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora