Chapter 56

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Wei Wuxian woke up slowly. He remained laying down in the oh so comfortable bed that he hardly ever got to enjoy. It was soft, fluffy and warm, it was everything he could ever ask for. He kept his eyes closed and only let the bliss of the moment wash over him again and again. It was almost as good as having Lan Wangji stroke his head till he was sleeping soundly.

When he had been much younger, he remembered Jiang Yanli doing the same for him. It had been like he had had a family at that time. It had been very reassuring and calming and he would always get to sleep almost immediately. However, ever since his first time at the Nightless City Manor, he could never let himself relax enough to enjoy human touch as he had used to. He had been betrayed and showed harshness way too many times and he had learned that whenever someone's hand was too close to him, there was only one painful result that it could lead to.

He still could not understand why he was now perfectly alright with Lan Wangji doing the same thing Wei Wuxian had come to fear, and eve crave it. Was it perhaps because his master had yet to deceive him even once? Or could it be that his presence only had already a calming effect on him, for whatever reason there was? Wei Wuxian did not know.

But then again, it was not important either. He was just comfortable with Lan Wangji around and he wanted it to stay that way. After all that time when he had been wary of people, it was an incredible change for him to be able to trust someone this much. He did not feel threatened in the slightest whenever Lan Wangji was around.

That must have been the reason he had slept so well just now. Usually, Wei Wuxian would not spend the whole resting time sleeping. As soon as he would fall sleep, there would be nightmares torturing him and rousing him from his slumber several times a night. Even if he could stop himself from thinking about painful memories and words his masters threw at him when he was awake, that was another story entirely when he was in dreamland. At that time, all the barriers he so painstakingly built around his heart would fall, leaving him vulnerable to his worries and hurts.

He squeezed his eyes a little more, he did not want to think about this. He had had a good sleep for once, he should be happy about it. He felt well rested, something which did not come too often and he was silently celebrating this small miracle. Surely it has been because of Lan Wangji, another thing he would have to thank his master for later.

Wei Wuxian startled a bit. He had been lost in his little reverie and he had forgotten that it was still bright outside. He should be going around his duties and not be idly sleeping the day away. He could tell that it was not evening yet since the light that he saw through his eyelids was quite strong. He had done literally nothing today and was afraid that he had become a burden to his masters.

If this continued, they would ship him right back to the Lotus Pier Manor and he would never get to see Lan Wangji ever again! He could not let that happen. He opened his eyes and sat up at once. Although he did still not have too many duties, he should not be neglecting them all the same.

Without a moment to lose, Wei Wuxian all but jumped out of his bed, immediately regretting loosing that comfortable and warm sanctuary, and quickly changed into his robe. It was the last one he had which was not dirty, he would really have to find out today where he can wash his clothes. He carefully folded the borrowed sleeping robe and put it onto the bed. He made everything look as if no one had ever stayed here, just like he would always do in order to assure himself that no one would be able to berate him for taking up any space.

Luckily, he was feeling much better now. His fever seemed to be gone and he was not so cold and weak anymore. Even if that would not be the case, he would still go perform his duties normally. There was no way he would be allowed to skip on them anymore, he had already caused enough trouble as it was. He had inconvenienced his masters by having to take care of him – not once, but twice! – and he had also taken an expensive medicine. He had to repay the kindness in any way he could.

He quietly went out of the room and headed outside of the mansion. He had to first take care of the dogs, those were the first duties given to him. He should have done it already in the morning, not this late in the afternoon, but better late than never. Even if he hated those creatures, he would still go there as long as he was able to crawl around. They were living beings and, despite his hatred of them and his fear, they still depended on him for their survival. Wei Wuxian was feeling a little guilty that he had already left them waiting for this long, they must have surely been hungry.

After that, he would have to find another servant he could ask about the rest of his duties. Since he was ordered to take care of the animals, he had to go check that none other creature needed tending to. Then, he would go find Lan Wangji to stay by his side. It was still making him nervous that he did not know what exactly he was supposed to do. He had never been in a position of someone's companion.

He supposed that it should be the same as being Lan Wangji's personal servant. However, the way his master treated him and never ordered him around, Wei Wuxian was not sure what to think. He was not used to this and he did not know how he should behave. The only thing which was keeping him from outright panicking was the belief that Lan Wangji would never be cruel to him just because he did not understand his duties. His master was not like this, he was kind. If he saw that Wei Wuxian was confused, he would try to explain his duties instead of immediately punishing him.

With a clear plan in his head, Wei Wuxian relaxed slightly. Now it was just the matter of being quick so he would be able to get to Lan Wangji's side as soon as possible. It was still scaring him a little bit that he had slept almost half a day away just like that, but he was sure if he would hurry, he could catch up on everything quickly and without any dire consequences. 

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