Chapter 13 - Don't Being Insane!

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(Fade to Inhabitants and Nega Bosses walking on the white path while Bruce holds box of VHS Tapes and TV and VHS player on the small metal table as moving and floating by his power.)

Cal: (narrative) Sometimes I remember my old friends has been disappeared in 20 years ago. Chapter 1 Successor wrote around his and friends' laboratory while worried about out of power and forgotten... Until... Now... While I found out.

Hooverton: Hey, Master Bruce. Something wrong with you?

Bruce: Yes... Before I closed the door... I heard someone inside secret laboratory... Sounded like... a crazy lunatic's laughter!

Cal: A crazy lunatic? You means like, an insanely person?

Bruce: Yes. I think probably Quincy.

Cal: Well, yes, probably.

(Inhabitants and Nega Bosses stopped walk as noticed door with Zodiac Buttons as they toward to door.)

Sana: This door was different password after the first one!

Eis: Yeah, this door was Zodiac Buttons on it!

Cal: Of course! Which means... the password was Chapter Order as Inverse Zodiac Order!

Eis: Let's try.

(Cal press in order as light up for correct; Capricorn, Cancer, Aquarius, Libra, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, Aries, and Virgo, then beeps as everyone pay attention to the door which automatically open itself. Everyone cheering and then look Cal.)

Jose: See! That's why I having fun about Cal know password!

Cal: (nervously laughs and then irritated) Stop it about that, Jose! (Jose laughs while he groans in annoyed; muttered while covering his face in distress) Why he's always fun on me?!

Eis: Seems he's saved his life from cliff in 25 years ago. You had no choice to save him as you're become his friend.

Jose: He's right, Cal!

Inhabitants expect Jose, Cal, and Eis: (shocked while Cal's eyes wise in surprised) What?! (Nega Bosses tile the head in confused.)

Barktholomew: Huh? Farmer Ted, what's going on?

Jose: Cal saved me while he had no choice.

Fortie VI: (surprised) Wow...

Fortstopher IV: That's sounds like Sir Suresh's inner guilty had dried out while he rescue Farmer Ted.

Everyone expect Cal and Fort Brothers: Inner guilty?

Bruce: Oh right! Cal's inner guilty was started since his parents' died and his siblings' disappeared, it's wiped out while he rescued Jose, but it returned for his wife's death and his past haunting him while the voices following him.

Cal: (sighs in sadly) He's right, guys. I'm wiped out of half of my inner guilty for my family was glad on you by Leo and Emma.

Haoyu: Speaking of them, let's go inside the room.

(Everyone enter unknown as close the door itself, cut to inside of it but barely dark and barely messed as they glowing their eyes even Bruce and Hooverton are brighter than their friends while everyone look around in whole location until they heard the voices and then they're hide anywhere, cut to Cal hiding as inside big box as sneaking through the hole was Professor Bolt hold remote and looks to mysterious man hold paper to him as he takes it. Cut to Professor Bolt looking worried to mysterious man.)

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