Chapter 3 - Backstory and Fortress

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(Screen shown like someone's view was open as blurred the view as kind of blurred floating stuffs around as focus to normal view was chess pieces, books, and anywhere. Cut to Cal as his normal clothes slowly blinks his eyes in foggy, then stand up, and then rubbing his neck for got shot as hisses in pain.)

Cal: Ow! That's hurts for shot on my neck! (Notices giant white knight chess floating on the sky.) Huh? Where's am I? This is my consciousness?

(Zoom out as revealed was Cal's consciousness where inside of his head with floating of stuffs from his personality and memories as Cal amazed and then walking as looking it until he hears the voices as walks slowly without sound to the dark violet door as he open the door slightly as peeking as seeking looks to inside as he gasps quietly.)

Cal: (whispered) Fortstopher IV? (Cut to Fortstopher IV looking in worried as dark violet room as he looking the screen grids are 11 as Nega-Bosses on the screen, they're seem glare at Fortstopher IV, offscreen.) What's he doing with them?

Fortstopher IV: (worried) Look! I understand you to help you by me!

Fortie VI: (pop out of Fortstopher IV's chest) He's right!

Anjellica: No! I thinks Cal was right about you! (Fortstopher IV, Fortie VI, and Cal gasps in same times.)

(Cut back to Cal shocked.)

Cal: (whispered in shocks) They're all known about me?! How'd seeing me?!

(Cut back to Nega-Bosses as Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI start crying as come out the tears.)

Fortstopher IV: (sobs) But, but, but...! But I still got my help for your problems!

Hooverton: Sorry, Fortstopher IV! We're don't need your help now as you!

The Hydrac: Then we're need Cal for his help to us instead of his friends...

Wormsworth: ...And you'll never be a friend...

Princess Marey: ...Cal Suresh will be our friend!

(Cut to grids of Cal, Fortstopher IV, and Fortie VI gasp in shocked.)

Cal, Fortstopher IV, and Fortie VI: (shocked) WHAT?! NO! Don't do this!

11 Nega-Bosses: It's too late now! (Laughing evilly.)

(Pans of full scene to Cal when slowly closes the door, then his mind to appeared the lock supplies as covered the door as locked, then runs away as he screaming.)

Fortstopher IV: (offscreen) Sir Suresh? You're here? (Tired open the door as locked.) Hey! You're locked it when you're left me?!

Cal: Getting away from me! (Turns to left of running on the path.)

(Cut to Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI tried open the door, start crying.)

Fortstopher IV: (crying) No! (Starts punches to the door.) Nobody left me for being friend as my help to them!

Fortie VI: (gasps in shocked while crying) Wait! Don't do it! (Fortstopher IV grabs him as puts in the chest as Fortstopher IV starts punches.)

(Cut to Cal running as holds the box, then open it as picks and eats lemon cheesecake macaroon, he looking the door gets shake as slam from behind as inside, then smashes as breaks the door as Cal screaming and running faster while Fortstopher IV runs as following Cal. Cut to Cal looking his right hand glowing with white as fade it as disappearing it, he gasps.)

Cal: I started to wake up! (He looking left foot glowing with white as fade it and then jumping up as start floating as disappearing it while Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI gasps.)

Fortstopher IV and Fortie VI: No!

Fortstopher IV: Fortie VI, you gets him before too late! (Grabs Fortie VI from his chest as start throws.)

Fortie VI: Okay! (See Cal which start glowing around him with white as fade it.) Ready... Now!

(Fortstopher IV throws Cal with Fortie VI but missed him as Cal disappeared as he and Fortstopher IV gasp in horror as Fortie VI fall slowly from anti-gravity as holds something, Fortstopher IV crying for Cal disappeared in the his consciousness as awake up.)

Fortstopher IV: (crying) Nobody to me for being friend!

Fortie VI: Actually... I got the box as Sir Suresh disappeared. (Holds Cal's box of macaroons.)

Fortstopher IV: (gasps in surprised) What?!

(Cut as pitched black screen. Screen shown like someone's view was open as blurred the view as kind of stuffs like theater as boxes, spotlights, and anything but dark as focus to normal view was inside of Balan Theater. Cut to Cal as still wearing fedora and coat as slowly blinks his eyes in foggy, then stand up but tried as he started shocking.)

Cal: Huh?! (Looking as pans as zoom out was he tied him with his body on his stage chair with ropes as start struggles in fear, scared.) Guys?! Hello?! Anybody here?!

Eis: (offscreen, quietly) Cal? Are you okay?

Cal: (gasps) Eis?

(Cut to Eis walking in cautious with his outfits was messes with ashes, his hands covered with fire-proof plastics gloves and boots, his eyes covered with under of his hat as holds the ax to Cal.)

Eis: (quietly) Be quite it. Everyone will hear you!

Cal: Sorry, but what's happened to you and where's the other?

Eis: Well... (Sits on the box.) You've already missed it, Cal.

Cal: What? You mean... I can't seen for happened to them while I'm knocked out?

Eis: Yes, it is, Cal. As I'll show you for what's happened. Before you're wake up... I heard Jose's despair for that... As awake up.

(Cut flashback to Leo, Emma, Jose, Yuri, Sana, and Bruce as Eis started wake up as looking his friends as they're inside of Balan Theater.)

Eis: (voice-over) We're inside Wonderworld as knocked out... Then I heard my adoptive older brother, Jose... When he's despair about we're can't found you...

Jose: (flashback; despaired) Oh... We're trapped in... As we're never find him... (Holds his head, then grunts and fall as hold on the floor.) Ah!

Yuri: (flashback; gasps, worried) Jose! Are you okay?!

Jose: (stand up and then around to her as happily) Yes, I'm fine. (Start scratches his right arm while Eis looking him in worried.)

Eis: (flashback) I don't think so you're okay, Jose.

Yuri: Why Eis? He's seem completely fine as you're started worried about him as you saying.

(Suddenly, Jose, Yuri, Sana, Eis, and Bruce shocked and paused to the shadows appeared from the door while Leo and Emma gets caught as drag away by unknown figures. They're running without sound as hiding anywhere. The shadows with Nega-Bosses' eyes as glowing from the dark as turns on of the lights as revealed was Fiona, Haoyu, Cass, Iben, Attilio, and Lucy which Fiona and Haoyu hold Cal which knocked out, they removed coats and fedoras as their normal physical form with Nega-Bosses' eyes while Jose, Yuri, Sana, Eis, and Bruce gasp as they're hiding the boxes as Jose still scratches his right arm and then start left arm as both arms which Eis watches him as his eyes start wide in shocked, Sana looks him.)

Sana: (flashback) What's your matter, Eis?

Eis: (quietly) I barely worried about Jose.

Sana: (looking Jose start scratches over of his body, gasps in worried, then quietly) I guess you're right then.

Bruce: (flashback; quietly) Shh! Quiet it, youngsters! Listen!

(Jose, Yuri, Sana, Eis, and Bruce looking Fiona, Cass, Haoyu, Iben, Attilio, and Lucy as Fiona and Haoyu puts Cal on his stage chair, then they're pulls out the ropes as start ties on his arms and legs first. Cut to Jose, Yuri, Sana, Eis, and Bruce gasp in horror, then cut back to Fiona, Cass, Haoyu, Iben, Attilio, and Lucy while Fiona and Haoyu ties Cal on his stage chair with ropes on his arms and legs.)

Lucy: (flashback) Hey, darlings. You gets Leo, Emma, Jose, Yuri, Sana, Eis, and Bruce to inside the theater?

Attilio: (flashback) Yes, Madam of the Mansion.

Cass: (flashback; worried) Uh... Madam of the Mansion?

Lucy: Yes, Sweet Kitty Kid?

Cass: I'm did doing accidentally to Jose and Eis.

(Cut to Jose, Yuri, Sana, Eis, and Bruce. Jose growls his stomach and then walking slowly to his backstage room while Eis looking Jose and then to them in worried.)

Haoyu: (flashback; offscreen) What is it?

Cass: (offscreen) I keeps finding Paula in anywhere until... I'm accidentally scratched to Jose and Eis onto their right arm as the negative aura inside them.

(Cut to grids of Fiona, Haoyu, Yuri, Sana, Iben, Attilio, Eis, Lucy and Bruce gasps in horror as together for same time expect Lucy.)

Fiona, Haoyu, Yuri, Sana, Iben, Attilio, Eis, and Bruce: WHAT?!

Lucy: Heh, that's okay.

(Cut of full scene to Eis when runs to Jose's backstage room which it's sound of wrecking. Cut back to half-corrupted Inhabitants.)

Iben: (flashback) What's you means? Jose and Eis didn't full of one negative emotion yet as doesn't use one major negatively emotion.

Lucy: Well, if our friends didn't full of one negative emotion yet as doesn't use one major negatively emotion, then 4 stages of being half-corrupted symptoms of transformation.

(Cut to Jose's backstage room. Eis shocked to Jose who eating the corns in rapidly as Eis slowly seeking without sounds to Jose while Lucy speaking.)

Lucy: (offscreen) First Stage, barely headache after used one main negative emotion, then different type of slightly pain while used one major negatively emotion.

(Eis stopped seeking by stepped on seeds of corn as Jose stops eating the corns as paused.)

Eis: Uh-oh.

Jose: Someone coming to me? (Turns around as shown his eyes turned Barktholomew's irises and pupils as Eis gasps in horror and walks slowly in backward onto the door.) What's wrong, brother? (Walks to Eis who tries open the door.)

Lucy: (offscreen) Second Stage, getting worse for the pain was dangerous as can't control, and then the eyes turned Nega-Boss' irises and pupils.

Eis: (scared) I-I-I-I looking for you to happen about yourself!

Jose: What? (Looks the mirror for himself as his reflection, he and Eis screaming in horror.)

(Cut to Yuri, Sana, and Bruce shocked from Jose and Eis' screaming, then cut to Fiona, Cass, Haoyu, Iben, Attilio, and Lucy was same expressions of Yuri, Sana, and Bruce. Cut back to Yuri, Sana, and Bruce)

Sana: That's sounds trouble! (gasps) Eis! (She, Yuri, and Bruce runs to Jose's backstage room but locked to tired open the door, they're heard Eis' screams in pain and then stop as they're paused.) Eis? Jose? Are you okay?

(Suddenly, Eis starts sneeze from inside Jose's backstage room as he sneeze out as fire shoot out which the door break throughout as Yuri, Sana, and Bruce dodged the fire while Fiona, Cass, Haoyu, Iben, Attilio, and Lucy looking them and then shocking in dumbfounded looking to Lucy.)

Fiona: (flashback; dumbfounded) Wow! You're sounds like Cal's superior manner as used his logical-mathematical intelligent.

(Cut to Yuri, Sana, and Bruce looking to Jose and Eis walking in slowly as covered with ashes as Eis wearing fire-proof plastics gloves and holds his towel as blows his nose while Fiona, Haoyu, Yuri, Sana, Iben, Attilio, Lucy and Bruce shocked moment to Jose and Eis.)

Lucy: See! I told you that!

(Cut to Jose, Yuri, Sana, Eis, and Bruce. Jose eats the corns and Eis blows his nose with his towel while Yuri, Sana, and Bruce worried.)

Bruce: Joseph and Dover, you noticed the scratched mark? Because I heard about it, on the your right arm.

(Jose and Eis looking their right arm was scratched marks like cat with dark violet colored as they gasp in horror.)

Eis: Yeah, I heard already that.

(Light out as completely pitched black as everyone scream, then the eyes shown was Jose, Yuri, Sana, Eis, and Bruce even Jose as his eyes start barely glowing from his corrupted form, Barktholomew.)

Sana: Be careful and watch out from our corrupted form friends, everyone! Just don't split out as together to get ou-...

Iben: (offscreen) I'll get you all!

Yuri: Run!

(Jose, Yuri, Eis, and Bruce running around anywhere while Sana annoyed as narrow her eyes.)

Sana: (annoyed) Guys, seriously?! I'm going to electric room. (Walks away in annoyed.)

(Yuri and Bruce bumped each other as falls Yuri's glasses and Jose chase Eis as they run into restroom. Cut to Sana stopped walks as turned on of all lights as revealed was Sana holds the level of electrical box as it seems upward as turned on of switch as she happy to it.)

Sana: There! It's done!

(Cut to Bruce lies on the floor as he looking Yuri which walking in blindingly from without her glasses as she started feeling isolate.)

Yuri: (isolated) Hello?! Anyone here?!

Bruce: Yuri, I'm right here!

Yuri: (still isolated but scared) Bruce? I can't see anything without my glasses! (Holds her head and shook.) Oh no! (Grunts and fall as hold on the floor.)

Bruce: (stand up as gasps) Yuri! (Looking Iben who returned to half-corrupted form for touches Yuri's back.) Oh no! (Runs away.)

(Yuri screaming while transform as her eyes turned into Wormsworth's eyes, then turned of half-corrupted of Wormsworth as stop screaming while Fiona, Haoyu, Cass, Attilio, and Lucy who returned to half-corrupted form for walk to Yuri and Iben as Attilio picks Yuri's glasses and puts in to her as wearing it. Yuri see Fiona, Haoyu, Cass, Iben, Attilio, and Lucy look her in barely worried and cautiously, she steps backward but looking her Wormsworth's hands and then herself in worried until she calms down as holds by Fiona and Haoyu.)

Fiona: (calmly) Woah, woah! Calm down, Bugsy. It's okay for that.

Yuri: (in unison of Wormsworth and her voice with eerie and echo, panic) Okay?! You're thinking to me for okay?! (Gasps as covers her mouth, then uncovered as quietly.) What? My voice was together with my corrupted form and controlled myself? What's going on?

Iben: We're explain about everything.

Attilio: Uh, guys? Cal wasn't here.

(Attilio points at Cal wasn't here while Fiona, Yuri, Haoyu, Cass, Iben, and Lucy gasp as Lucy starts angry.)

Lucy: (shouting in angrily) WHO'S STOLE MY KING?!

(Cut to Sana and Bruce running and holding Cal with his stage chair as they feeling worried.)

Bruce: Thank you for helping me to him for away from them!

Sana: You're welcome! (Gasps in realized) Jose and Eis!

Bruce: Just keep away from Jose and Eis as they've a stages of symptoms of transformation! Seem Jose almost done of stage!

(Cut to Eis keeps running from Jose in the restroom while Eis keeps sneeze as fire come out as Jose dodges it.)

Eis: (worried) Getting away from me, Jose! (Sneeze out with fire to Jose as he dodge it.)

Jose: I just trying to help you, Eis!

(Eis runs out of restroom as Jose continue chasing him but stopped as started feeling shivering and his eyes turned Barktholomew's sclera as inner eyes completely transformed while Eis gasps in horror.)

Eis: Oh no! (Groans in pain as holds his stomach as his eyes turned The Hydrac's irises and pupils.) Oh no! It's getting Stage 2 of my own! (Runs and holds of lava-proof bucket as split out as stream come out, then looking in horror as he split out with lava.) What?! I'm splitting out with lava?!

(Cut to Fiona, Yuri, Haoyu, Cass, Iben, Attilio, and Lucy looking in shock to Eis and then Jose.)

Lucy: Well then. For Third Stage, feeling more or less painful than Second Stage as turned Nega-Boss' sclera.

Haoyu: And Stage 4?

Lucy: Four Stage as Final, one more major negative emotion to use it as the voice started change with eerie and echo along Nega-Boss' voice at together with normal voice as physical transformation starts up as they did see it or did not which knocked out after dreaming by silhouette of Nega-Bosses.

(Cut to Jose and Eis shocked in moment to Lucy talking about Stage 3 and 4.)

Jose and Eis: (shocked in horror) WHAT?!

(Cut back to Fiona, Yuri, Haoyu, Cass, Iben, Attilio, and Lucy.)

Lucy: Yes, I thinks seem Sana and Bruce take Cal as going most dangerous place as they'll getting hurts.

(Cut back to Jose and Eis gasp in horror.)

Eis: Don't do it for them! (Jose starts feeling despair, gasps.) Jose! Don't do for that! You're getting be Stage 4 as completely transformed you!

Jose: (despaired) They'll getting hurts... No. (Changing his voice turns eerie and echo and then in unison of Barktholomew.) They'll never getting hurts even Cal!

(Jose come his tears as started screaming while transform as dark aura power around him, then turned of half-corrupted of Barktholomew as stop screaming and then howls like wolf while he looking Fiona, Yuri, Haoyu, Cass, Iben, Attilio, Lucy, and Eis looking in moment at him as Eis started running away and screaming in fear.)

(Cut to Sana and Bruce still running and holding Cal with his stage chair, they're start tired and stopped runs as puts him down.)

Sana: I thinks they're lost!

Bruce: (sighs) Phew! Finally they'll never seen us! (Laughing along Sana but they heard screaming.) Did you hear that?

Sana: It's sounds like... (She and Bruce looking Eis runs and screaming in fear.) Eis?!

Eis: Guys! It's Jose! He's been completely transformed as completely stages! (Sana and Bruce gasp.) Look likes me, Sana, Bruce, and Cal!

Sana: But where's Leo and Emma?

Eis: (realized) Oh! We're been fogotten about them! I thinks different going to hiding place from them! I'll hopes they're okay... (Hisses in pain from his leg started heat as his eyes turned The Hydrac'e sclera as inner eyes completely transformed while yells in pain and panic as Sana started overwhelming.) Oh no! I'm reached to Stage 3!

Sana: (overwhelmed) Oh no, Eis! Don't be fear as almost completely of transformation!

Bruce: (sighs in helpless) This is helpless for us!

Eis: Sana! Bruce! You're used your main negative emotion for now!

Sana and Bruce: (shocked) What?! Oh no! (Holds their head and shook, then grunts and fall as hold on the floor.)

(Eis looking up to Yuri and Haoyu float down slowly to Sana and Bruce.)

Eis: Looks up, guys!

(Sana and Bruce looking up to Yuri and Haoyu as Sana dodged to Haoyu and then Yuri taps Bruce's back as he screaming while transform as his eyes turned into Hooverton's eyes, then turned of half-corrupted of Hooverton as stop screaming while Jose, Fiona, Cass, Iben, Attilio, and Lucy walks to them as join Yuri and Haoyu as they're all happily to Bruce as Sana and Eis shocked and then they seeking and holds Cal, then running away while Jose, Fiona, Yuri, Haoyu, Cass, Iben, Attilio, Lucy, and Bruce looking them.)

Lucy: Hey! You are stole my king! (Runs but stopped by Bruce.)

Bruce: (in unison of Hooverton and his voice with eerie and echo) Be calm, Madam of the Mansion. I'll handle this. (Slaps his fingers as he turned invisible as he and 8 friends laughing.)

(Cut to Sana and Eis run and hold Cal to Sana's backstage room as they puts him down as sigh in relief.)

Eis: That was close one, Sana!

Sana: I thinks this getting harder.

Eis: What's you mean?

Sana: Which means... Bruce got infected, he got a power even his invisibility.

Eis: Oh no! I think he's following us whole time!

Sana: (shocked) What?!

(Bruce visibility as slaps his fingers again as behind of Sana, he smiling.)

Bruce: Hello, Watcher of the Woods.

(Sana and Eis looking Bruce as they gasp to Bruce who taps Sana's back as she screaming while transform as her eyes turned into Cuckoo's eyes as Eis looking Sana in horror.)

Eis: Sana!

Sana: (dark aura around her from feet to head in slowly) Eis, just go and care of Cal as he and you getting away from them even for... (in unison of Cuckoo and her voice with eerie and echo) ME!

(Eis holds as lifts Cal and then runs away while Sana turned of half-corrupted of Cuckoo as stop screaming while 8 Inhabitants walks as join Bruce happily to Sana who she laughing as 9 Inhabitants joined her.)

(Cut to present as end of the flashback as laughing fade out from flashback, Cal shocked for happened to his friends.)

Cal: Then so, that's how happened to them?

(Cut to Eis nods as adjusted his hat as shown his eyes was The Hydrac's eyes as start glowing from in the dark as Cal gasps in shocked.)

Eis: Yes, Cal. For one day... (Starts growing of scared.) Leo and Emma hiding anywhere from them as we're can't find them! (He and Cal gasp in horror.)

Cal: Eis! You're used one more fear to you!

Eis: (in unison of The Hydrac and his voice with eerie and echo, holds his head) Cal! I cut the rope and then runs away from them even... (Holds up his scissors.) ME!

(Eis cuts the ropes as Cal feeling scared to Eis as he started screaming while transform as dark aura power around him, then Cal freed and stay back to Eis, then he turned of half-corrupted of The Hydrac as stop screaming while Cal shocked and worried to Eis who looking him and then himself as he shocked and Cal runs away as screaming.)

Eis: Cal, don't go from me! (Runs to Cal but stopped by Sana as he looking her and then his friends walks toward.) Sana? Guys? What's going on?

Sana: We're can explain about that... (Whispering Eis' ear as he shocked and then laughing.)

Eis: Oh! This gonna be fun! (Laughing along 10 Inhabitants.)

(Cut to Cal running as going to Storage Room as push the cart as blocked the door, he breaths in relief.)

Cal: Don't worry, Leo and Emma. I'll coming for you!

11 Inhabitants: (offscreen) Cal Suresh, where are you?

Jose: (offscreen) I thinks he's in the Storage Room! (Howls)

Lucy: (offscreen) I saw him as you're right!

Cal: How did Lucy can see me where I entered Storage Ro-? (Shocked in realized.) Oh right! Her power of based to X-ray Ape! (Narrow his eyes.) Great... Just great!

(11 Half-Corrupted Inhabitants push the door as break while moment they tap Cal's back in together. He rolls and falls as smash the floor into Basement as passed out as his fedora and coat was messes. Cut to 11 Half-Corrupted Inhabitants looking in horror to Cal.)

11 Inhabitants: CAL! (Jump down to Basement as they looking Cal in worried.)

Cass: Oh no! He's looks like hurts by us to did this for him!

Attilio: He's seem don't used his anger as we're touched him. (He and 10 Inhabitants shocked as looking Cal.)

Eis: Well, looks like me, Jose, and Cal have stages of symptoms of transformation.

Sana: Don't worry, brother. We'll heal you for time...

Lucy: And you will join us when complete transformed of half-corrupted form!

(11 Inhabitants laughing as Cal weakly looking to them and then passed out. Fade out as pitched black screen.)

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