He opens the door and we pack the things in it.

"Thanks for helping! Have a great day." I smile at the strange man.

"Yeah, you too."His raspy voice made me shiver a little but I ignored it.

The time I closed the trunk Sasuke was already in the car.

I open the door and sit to the driving seat.

I glance at Sasuke who is just looking outside waiting for me to start the car.

Maybe I should give him some space, we can talk about it later.
I start the engine and drive out of the parking lot.

The radio was silently making my thoughts calm down a little.
Sasuke doesn't want pity, nobody wants.

Should I just ask him that is he okay?
Or should I just apologise even though I don't know what I did wrong.

I sigh, this is making me nervous.
He most of the time sing the music lyrics if he knew them.
It's cute it makes me smile.

"Sas, why did-  you went suddenly quiet?" I gulp and glace at him from the mirror.
He moves in his seat and looks at his lap.

"I just- I mean he- was among one of my regular clients. I just felt disgusted and filthy again." He explained.

What should I say?

I see the corner of my eyes that his eyes were watery.

"You aren't the same Sas, you are safe with me. They can't touch you anymore." I start to speak.

Why is this so hard?

Sasuke isn't stable so I have to speak carefully.

"You are with me which means you are an important person in this city. They can't hurt you. I also won't leave you alone you are always safe with me." I press it.
He is really nice and doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

"We are almost home do you wanna watch a movie or play some games?" I turn to the left with the car we have to just go through this long street and we are home.

"I just wanna- uh read." He says.

I nod and slow down the car to park in the garage.

I open the door and get out of the car.
"Home sweet home." I smile at Sasuke and he smiles at me back.


"Our first step was successful thank you for helping me achieve this. I hope that we can continue making the other of the city better." I look around and look down at my paper to see the other things j wanted to talk about.
I lick my lips and go back to talking.

I look up and see Iruka raised his hands for me to approve him to speak.
I nod as he opens his mouth to start.

"What will be our next step? This was already a big thing to do."

"Glad you asked, the next step would be to clean the streets and give out food to people."
I write down on my paper a reminder to myself to buy Sasuke some food.
My dad is out of the house for this week he went to visit some family members.

I would have went too but work and I don't want to bring Sasuke with me.
Not because I am ashamed he would be probably uncomfortable.

I don't want him to be afraid of people.

"Finally something that makes sense." I hear a raspy cold voice from right in front of me.
I look up to meet with two dark eyes piercing into mine.

I smirk at him and lay back in my chair.

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