Bloom 49: February 27th - March 5th

Start from the beginning

beautifulpoetic_ - Not Your Cinderella

Pairing #3

BooksaretheBest42 - Love Through Letters

CreativeRealm2213 - Short Stories 2022

Pairing #4

DjAtomika - Wolf in the Big City

halfwaytoheaven - The Hymn of the Dark

Pairing #5

EAB2003 - The Tales of A'hm Maroo

samihaamad20 - Love & Believe

Pairing #6

Iris2032 - Dathnar's Fated Flame

AllyCwrites - Princess Snow and the Empress


Pairings 7-12 admin: FOOD_GODDESS_QUEEN

Pairing #7

larryficwriter - Cold

Natsumeuru - Lonely In A Dream

Pairing #8

LunarAquarius - Killer Instinct: Carrie Unleashed

Mystiqueish - Unknowing Him

Pairing #9

LunarCastle - The Man in the Cave

Natsumeuru - A Poetry Called Story

Pairing #10

pinwheelbar - A Bowl Of Ramyeon

naeematM - UNPOPULAR

Pairing #11

Ouryoaie - Earthly Appetite

Pb_write - Meant to be

Pairing #12

TLSwriter - The Past a Dream

Snowdrop_Luz - Emotions

tylerstormx - The Divine Guardians


🌻 Seedling Blooms 🌻

Seedlings are those who are new to the club and not yet Sunflowers. To become a Sunflower, Seedlings must complete their first trial. If you are a seedling, your first trial will be listed below. Comment next to your assignment and tag Goddess (FOOD_GODDESS_QUEEN) when you've finished. Please note you only have to read two chapters of the story you are assigned and comment on both.


FlawFilledPrincess will read "Stalked Summer" by admin FOOD_GODDESS_QUEEN

ShikaDreamer108 will read "Dead In The Middle" by admin username_taken15


🌻 Missing Assignments 🌻

This means you have not asked for an extension or hiatus and have an outstanding assignment to complete. We have included the bloom that this assignment is from to help everyone find their previous assignments easier. Comment next to your name in this chapter once you complete your assignment.

ffdeoliveira - Bloom 28

dfcrosa - Bloom 30

yashu07 - Bloom 32

AfloatIsland1620 - Bloom 30

 LibbieTibbieRibbie - Bloom 33

_nomercy - Bloom 39

chaoticacataemia_ - Bloom 40

degeneraete - Bloom 44

ChrisMystery - Bloom 47


🌻 Extension 🌻

Extensions are extra weeks to complete your outstanding assignments. Extensions are given to those who ask for them on a week-by-week basis. The maximum amount of consecutive extensions that can be granted is 2 weeks. Comment next to your name in this chapter once you complete your assignment.

Week 1: none

Week 2: none


🌻 Hiatus 🌻

Hiatus lasts up to 4 weeks. You must ask to be placed on hiatus and you must be finished with your assignments. If you are currently on hiatus and wish to rejoin the club and be paired in the upcoming bloom, please PM the SunflowerCommunity account.

Week 1: none

Week 2: --MilkyBae-- , xXIsaSmellsxX

Week 3: none

Week 4: Jeomsii_1


🌻 Strikes 🌻

Strikes are given to those who fail to complete assignments, do not ask for an extension or hiatus, or do not complete the BotM.

Check your PM for strikes.

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