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I guess you are wondering why I was not at school for the last two days. So here is a lit background, I live next to the biggest Zoo in the state of Florida. I happen to know where the master key to everything in the zoo but for now that is not important. I guess it is about time I start the story, it all starts with a bad dream. The dream was that the tigers were in great danger and I was the only one to save them. So I got ready as quickly as I could, after that I ran to the zoo to find out that the door was unlocked and I knew I was right to be suspicious. And I know what you are thinking, the zookeeper cares about the animals as much as I do, so they would not just leave the door unlocked. Now back to the topic at hand, I knew I needed to be quiet and I was right in doing so. There was a big truck with three guys next to it arguing. They were talking about who was going to get into the cage. At first, I was confused about why they were talking about a cage. Then, I realized what was happening, they were standing in front of the tiger cage and they were planning on stealing the tiger. But here is something you need to know. I watched and helped raise that tiger. So I knew she can get rowdy around new people, especially when they have bad interests in mind. It was like she could Sense when someone has bad interests in mind, and she would get more angry and protective of the people around her.

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