let it out | l.mh

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Naomi walked down the hall trying her best to hold herself together. She couldn't do it anymore. She finally broke.

Carefully, she slipped into an empty classroom to regain her composure. Naomi didn't notice the boy that had been watching her every movement.

As she stood there, letting the tears flow, she immediately stopped when she heard the door open.

"You waiting on a boyfriend?" An annoying voice asked.

"Go away, please." Naomi pleaded.

Please? She would never say that to me.

The boy that had just entered the classroom walked closer to the girl. She held her breath in a futile attempt to stop the emotions that threatened to erupt when he softly asked her if she was okay.

She nodded her head, squeezing her lips together as hard as she could. She took deep, slow breaths, to calm the cry in her throat.

Mark walked in front of her to try and get a look at her face, but she quickly turned her head away from him. That's when the emotions finally took over. Whimpers and tears began to escape as her body began to tremble. She could no longer hold it in.

She broke down right there, in front of the guy she hated the most.

Naomi was not expecting Mark to do what he did next. He gently pulled her into his arms and held her tightly.

"Just let it out," he spoke softly.

Despite how odd this felt, Naomi allowed herself to become vulnerable. She buried her face into his shoulder, soaking his white shirt with her tears.

Mark placed one of his hands on the back of her head and lightly rubbed her back with his other hand. Naomi lost all control of her emotions. She was sobbing uncontrollably, no longer considering her volume level. Her fists clenched against his chest.

This cry was well needed and it's almost like Mark knew it with the way he was comforting her. 

Naomi finally regained control of herself. She took deep breaths as she pulled away from Mark. She leaned against a desk, wiping the tears from her face. Mark grabbed some tissues from the teacher's desk to hand to her.

He didn't take his eyes off of her. Almost like he was studying every detail of her face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Naomi asked once she noticed his concerned expression. "And why are you acting like you care so much about me all of sudden?"

Picking up on her hostility, Mark began to get defensive.

"Sorry for actually being able to show a little humanity. You know, for a second I actually forgot about how bratty you can be." He snapped. "I just figured even our seemingly perfect class president could use a little compassion."

"Are you sure you didn't just want to enjoy seeing me broken? You can save your sympathy, it's making me sick." She retorted, rolling her eyes.

"Is your mind really that twisted?" Mark scoffed, not realizing how harsh that must've sounded.

"Oh please, don't act like your goal hasn't been to make my life Hell since I won class president." She accused.

Mark rolled his eyes. "Because I tease you every now and then? That's making your life Hell? Yeah, whatever Naomi." He leaned back against a desk, using his hands as support.

"Admit it. You're upset because I beat you in the class election." She spat. "Newsflash Mark, that wasn't my fault. Neither was you being Vice President."

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