Chapter 4: Preparing for Graduation and the Genin Exam!

Start from the beginning

Shikamaru: *looks up depressed* "Troublesome blond." *And puts his head down accepting the plan for today after school*

Naruto: "Sweet! Choji, Sasuke, want to join us?"

Sasuke: "Hn."

Naruto: "You know, it's weird that I can understand that. So basically, you'll show up if you feel like it. Good to know. Choji?"

Choji: "I'll have to ask my dad, he said something to me about training this morning, but I couldn't hear him."

Naruto: "Cool, *hears waves of footsteps and voices* talk to you guys later." *Puts his head down as well*

(Naruto's Pov)

Iruka sensei explains to the class that our graduation test is right around the corner. He looks at all of us and begins to ask us questions.

Iruka: "Okay class, I'm gonna ask you questions retaining to the graduation exam. That way you all know what you're gonna have to be prepared for in 2 weeks. Can anyone name the three Jutsu that will be asked for you to perform in order to pass the practical portion?"

(Kiba/Ino/Shino/Sasuke/Sakura/ raise their hands)

Iruka: "Kiba?"

Kiba: "Uh... the Clone Jutsu, the Substitution Justu, and the Transformation Jutsu?!"

Iruka: "Correct. Now, what will the written exam be covering?"

(Sakura/Ino/Shino raise their hands)

Iruka: "Ino?"

Ino: "The written exam will be compromised of a broad of things that we covered in class. Such as Chakra and things involving it. The different type of shinobi there are, the basics of being a shinobi and the procedure one should know before missions. Such as plant types, hunting and fishing knowledge, as well as some basic form of direction and knowledge about how nature acts."

Iruka: "Great, but also some history of Shinobi and the lesson of how we work within the Land of Fire."

(Some people begin to take some notes)

Iruka: "Alright, now for the physical portion of your exam, can anyone tell me what that will consist of?"

Naruto: 'This is the one thing I hate about the way the academy operates, there is absolutely no mention to Fuinjutsu or seals. Besides the brief mention that it's how paper bombs and scrolls work. Ugh, reminder to self, talk to gramps soon about that.'

Iruka: "Anyone?"

(Shino raises his hand)

Iruka: *sees this and calls on him*

Shino: "I believe we will have a final test for throwing kunai and shuriken. As well as having one more Taijutsu bout against the proctor?!"

Iruka: "Very good Shino. Naruto, Shikamaru, heads up now!"

Shikamaru and I look at each other and raise our heads at the same time.

Both: "Yes sensei."

Iruka: "Did you guys get all that?"

Both: "Yes sensei."

Iruka: "Alright, let's open your herbology books to the final chapter. Today we will be discussing the list of known poisonous herbs growing around Konoha."

We all open our books and soon enough the class time begins to tick away. Then the bells rings. I get pack up my books and shake Shikamaru awake.

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