Mr. Houghton nodded and gestured for me to continue. 

"And so, he did. And Tiffany kept teasing me about my weight that I had back then and Blake soon followed in her foot tracks even though I was going through the toughest time of my life. And so, yeah. That's why I hate them." 

Mr. Houghton and I had a small staring contest until he nodded and went back to his seat. 

"I understand. I have been in your place." He finally says. 

"No, you haven't." I muttered to myself. 

"I have. Well, the part about my best friend ditching me and stuff for a lady and then teasing me afterwards. But you get my point. I feel ya." 

I nodded and then went back to my book. 

"Why did you ask sir?" I asked breaking the silence. 

"Oh, well I wanted to know why everyone in the whole school kept talking about you,  Blake and Tiffany. I had to get hip!  You are strong Layli." Mr. Houghton explained not taking his eyes off of the papers. 

"Hmm, I wonder if I really am." I said. Mostly to myself but since every time I talk in my head, the whole world hears, so I might as well just say them out loud. 

"You are Layli. And I don't know the whole details of your story or have known you long enough, but I think that you should be brave and say what's on your mind and bring Tiffany to your feet." 

"Is that something a teacher should be telling me?" 

"I'm not just a teacher. I am a guy who knows my history. And who has a loving wife and daughter who get me through the days. I am also, your conscious." 

"Really? About the conscious thing?" 

"Nope! If I was your conscious, I would be eating some cake to congratulate myself for giving you good advice. I see no cake, so yeah!"


"At the end of this week, you will create a mural. Your mural has to represent something meaningful and that sends out a very good lesson. I am teaming up with Mr. Mac on this, so if you and your partner want to create a collage with photos that follows the prompt, you may do so." Mrs. Creggs announces. 

I watch as everyone looks around the art room, sharing glaces and mentally picking out their partners. I watch as Tiffany hugs Blake's arm. I roll my eyes. Maybe she's not a horse but a Koala Bear. Wait, did I just insult a Koala Bear? 


As everyone scrambles to go to their last period of the day, I take my time. Everyone in my French class are part of either Tiffany's gang or Blake's crew. So, I really don't want to be there. Mme. Lim is also not here today so there's a substitute and we always have the same substitute. All he does is sit at Madame. Lim's desk and falls quickly asleep. 

I will just hang out on the school's roof. It was always peaceful up there. After everything had happened sophomore year, I had gone up there everyday just to avoid the mean stares and whispers all on me. 

With that one small kiss that I stole upon her lips, I knew. That I never want to let go of this one.  That she was mine. Forever. 

"Wow," I muttered to myself. The last line of my book was sort of corny. Typical romance story. The guy and girl always end up together at the end. There's no true meaning to it. I throw the book across the roof and extended my legs in front of me. 

I leaned on the door and started to look at shapes in the clouds. 

A goat. Tree. A rocket. A smiley face. A heart.... 


Shit! I had fallen asleep on the roof because it was 8 o'clock at night!

At night!

 My mother is going to kill me. Like, literally. 

I quietly opened the door and closed it behind me making the smallest of noise, knowing that my mother was home. I tip-toed up the stairs and passed her room. I could hear the TV on so of course she was home. 

Maybe she was too drunk to hear me? Or had fallen asleep? 

I peeked into the bedroom and saw that my mother was not in there. 

Bathroom maybe?

I then felt my shirt being lifted up and a hot item pressing on my lower back. I screamed in pain. 

"This will teach you something." My mother's voice crept up behind me saying. She used her left foot, tripping me,  making me fall to the wooden floors on my front. She put her knee on the middle of my back and the other knee on my legs which could not stop moving. She reeked of nothing but alcohol.

She continued with her torturing till I managed to get her off of me and crawled to my room. I held the lower part of my back, the stinging intensifying as I screamed. 

I put my hand on the exact area and felt a wet liquid on my fingers. I looked at my fingers which were now covered in blood. I continued to look at my fingers till my tears just blurred everything out. 

I wiped my tears and crawled to my phone. I didn't know what to do as I held it in my hands. I'm confused. 

And so I dialed his number. I dialed Blake's number. I don't know why. Maybe he'll have a change of heart about me? 

"Hello?" His voice says. When I hear his voice, I feel a little bit angry and sad and it made me realize how lonely and alone I am. 

I wanted to feel happy at the sound of his voice, but I couldn't be. 

I-" I started to say but got interrupted: 

"AHA! I got you! You have reached Blake, leave a message after the beep and I will get back to you. I love you!" 

Liar. Why do you like to lie Blake? 

I hung up and then threw the phone across the room. I screamed as the pain on my lower back felt like somebody had stabbed me into the back with a knife and had twisted it. 

And so I laid on the floor, the cold, hard floor with a hot feeling on my lower back and feeling helpless. Hopeless. Fat Layli may be coming back. The Fat Layli that did nothing but cry. 

** So? How was that? It needs some editing, but this was readable right? Please leave positive feedback down below and I will read with you all later! Stay Awesome!- Rudi

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