Save Me: Part 2

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** HEY! So What's happening? 2 parts in just one night?! I am on a roll! Ah, not really.... anyways! So, I hope that you guys enjoy this part! I'll read with you all later! Stay Awesome- Rudi** 

Save Me

Part 2: 

I looked in the mirror with very avid eyes. I needed to show people that I have changed! I have lost the weight so it's their time to lose the bad attitude that they have towards me. Yes, I am now titled: 

The Unwanted Fat Daughter 

That does not mean that they all may do as please. I sigh sharply. Who was I kidding? Everything I do, somebody will know. Somebody will spill the beans. And somebody will put it against me. I have no chance. 

Everyone is staring at me. Is it my dress? Is the bright scarlet blue color too much? I mean it's the first day of school, this is the time to be more....out there. Or is it because people are still onto the fact that my father did not want me anymore? Or—

"Whoa! Layli lost the elephant weight people!" Somebody yelled out. Now the people who were looking, have opened their eyes to see if this new, skinny girl was actually Layli Hamilton. And the people who weren't looking, who are now looking, wondering if this new Layli killed Fat Layli or something.... 

I walk down the hallways as everybody stares. Whispers hit my back like rain. It keeps comes coming, no matter how much I want it to stop. 

"Is that Layli?" A girl near the water fountain whispers looking at me. A lot of people in this town clearly don't know the term "whispering!" 

"Damn! I never knew that she had a neck!" Another one says. I roll my eyes as I watch my black, suede flats appear then disappear over and over again. In our school, we have the same lockers that we have had since freshman year. They only change if a huge amount of new students come into school.  

I walk up the stairs as whispers about me echo the whole school. I pass the Chemistry classroom and go to my locker, the third from the door. I have still remembered my locker combination. It was changed junior year when Blake had told Tiffany my locker combination and her gang members started to leave rude notes in my locker. 

I had begged the janitors to change my combinations just after the letters started to get more than just "rude." 


I opened my locker and coughed as dust came shooting out. I waved the dust out of my face and ignored the stares. I got some wet-wipes and basically sanitized my locker. I opened my bag and got out my mirror, sticky notes and stuff like that out. I arranged them according to color and sense of urgency. 

Like if I need a pen, I would just open it up and grab it in the little magnetic cup thingy without having to get up on my tippy-toes and trying to find it up there. I was pretty tall but these lockers were huge. 

I grabbed my binder and put it in my locker when I finished. I closed it and turned the dial a couple times before actually turning around to opening it. As I turned around, I saw everyone just staring at me. Like no joke! All of their eyes were on me! I put my head down and looked at my schedule:  

AP Chemistry (Mrs. Mack) 

AP English (Mr. Mack ) 

AP Calculus (Ms. Chung) 

Health (Mr. Hales—1st semester) 

Gym (Mr. Hales—2nd semester)


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