Episode 18: Connaughty or Weiss (Season 4 Finale)

Start from the beginning

Amie-It was just the first name that came to mind. I know we broke up, but he's still a friend of mine.

Lana-Friends with your ex. That's not something you hear every day.

Amie-It's not just him. Dinah, Mickey, Zola. I'm not going to have any friends when I get to VCU. What am I supposed to do then?

Lana-Make new ones! What else? College is going to be the best four years of your life, Amie. You've got to make the most of them.

(AMIE looks out the window.)

Amie-If that's true, my life's really going to go downhill.

(The car pulls into a parking space at Fort Collins High. The camera pulls to HADLEY's car a few spaces down. GREG, HADLEY, MAX, DEBBIE, and WILL have gotten out and are making their way towards the school.)

Greg-So Max, are you ready for the big day?

(MAX sighs.)


(Cut to inside the school. MAX and his family [including WILL for convenience's sake] enter. The place is full of graduates and their families.)

Max-This place is pretty packed.

Will-You bet it is! The entire Fort Collins High School graduating senior class plus four guests each is here!

Chaz-(offscreen) Make that six!


(ALIST and CHAZ appear in the crowd.)

Max-Alist! Chaz! How'd you get here?

Alist-No one can catch you trying to get in without a ticket if you hover over them with an anti-gravity grenade.

Chaz-We wouldn't miss your gradutation for anything, Max!

Alist-It's graduation.

Chaz-Tomato, tomato.

(Emphasis on the message playing on loop over the PA.)

PA-Last names A through C please report to the boys' dressing room. Last names D through F report to the girls' dressing room. Last names G through I report to the choir room. Last names J through L report to the orchestra room. Last names M through O report to the band room. Last names P through R report to the boys' locker room. Last names Q through T report to the girls' room. Last names U through Z report to the tech room. Valedictorian and salutatorian please make your way to the auditorium.

Max-P through R. That's the boys' locker room. Guess I better make the trek there. See you soon!

Hadley-I'll see you too!

(She kisses MAX on the cheek before he walks off. Cut to the boys' locker room. The place is already crowded with students. MAX pushes his way in.)

Max-Geez, isn't there anywhere I can get some fresh air?

Amie-I know, right? They should have gotten a bigger venue.

(They notice each other.)



(MAX sits down next to her.)

Max-I should have known you were in here.

Amie-I mean, my last name is Richard. Yours is Powers. It just makes sense.

Max-So are you excited?

Amie-You expect me to say yes to that?

Max-Yeah, you're right.

Amie-This is the first big step of the rest of our lives. That can weigh heavily on anyone.

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