Episode 11: Mean Canteen

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(Start at CHAZ's living room. CHAZ is opening a wrapped present while MAX watches.)

Max-I thought this would be something you'd like. Think of it as a late birthday present.

Chaz-But you gave me a present on my actual birthday.

Max-Well, what's wrong with getting two presents?

Chaz-I have the shorts you got me in my dresser right now.

Max-Are you gonna open the present or not?

Chaz-Alright, alright. I will.

(She rips off the last of the wrapping paper and opens the box. Inside is a canteen.)

Chaz-What is this?

Max-It's a canteen. You must have seen them before, right?

Chaz-No. Then I wouldn't be asking what it is.

Max-It's for holding water.

Chaz-It is?

(MAX takes the canteen and takes it to the sink. He fills it up with water. He hands it back to CHAZ.)

Max-With all the times you've had to go inside for water to fight with, I thought it would be useful if you had a way to keep water with you at all times.

Chaz-Can I drink it?

Max-Yes, that's what canteens are mainly used for, but you gotta keep it filled at all times. You never know when a villain's gonna attack.

Chaz-Easy for you to say. Your powers are stuck to your back.

(MAX begins walking towards the door.)

Max-Well, it's still true. I hope to see you using that thing.


Max-See you around!

(He leaves. CHAZ takes a drink from the canteen.)

Chaz-Ew. Tap water.

(Opening theme. Cut to Lincoln Middle School. CHAZ is closing her canteen while she walks to class.)

Chaz-Finally, some drinkable water in this thing.

(She opens it back up and takes a drink of water.)

Chaz-I mean, I could have still used the tap water to fight, but this tastes better.

(A buzzer sounds over the PA.)

Chaz-Oh no! One minute!

(She hangs a left and runs into the first classroom in the hallway.)

Chaz-It's a good thing the classroom is right there.

(She walks to her seat. She takes off her backpack and puts on her canteen crossbody-style before sitting down. Fade to later during class. The teacher, MRS. BRADLEY, is giving a lecture.)

Mrs. Bradley-It's the goal of all living things to reach homeostasis, or a state of normalcy. I like to use the mnemonic device "HOMEoSTAYsis." It always wants to stay at home.

(Her lecture fades into the background. CHAZ reaches for her canteen and take a drink.)

Mrs. Bradley-To understand homeostasis, we first have to understand stimuli and...

(She notices CHAZ.)

Mrs. Bradley-Chaz, is that a flask?

Chaz-You're really going to call me out like this?

Mrs. Bradley-What is that?

Chaz-It's a canteen! I'm just taking a drink of water.

Mrs. Bradley-I'm not so sure. I've known you to make trouble in the past.

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