Chapter 20 - The Big Question

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I heard her gasp as she saw what else I've done. To my right and her left was our family. I got my mother and father, her mom, step mom, and father. I also had her sister, her fiancé Chester, Tate and Erin here. She turned back to me and cried again hugging me. I just rocked her back and forth while kissing her head. She pulled away and then ran right to her mother.

I slowly walked up to everyone with a huge grin on my face. Jason and my father both put their hands on my shoulders.

"You're a good man Bo." Jason said.

"Feels good don't it?" My pa asked. I nodded and looked at my mom. She was wrapped up in a huge jacket and had a tear stained face.

"Mama doesn't cry." I said going over hugging her.

"Tears of joy. I'm going to see my big man get married." She cried. She hasn't called me big man since I was a baby.

"Oh come on ma. Don't embarrass him and call him big man anymore. He's getting married." I heard Tate say. Ma let go of me and Tate brought me into a bro hug.  "Congratulations man." He said patting my back a few more times.

I smiled and nodded. I looked over at Kendyl. I noticed my mama made her way over to where the girls were. One of them had the phone light on her hand. They were checking out the ring. I started walking over to them and so did Jason. Kendyl noticed me. I was right at the girls when she came over and hugged me.

"Our families are going to actually become one." Jason said to my mama.

"I was wondering when this was going to happen." Mama said. Kendyl turned to her and smiled.

"What do you mean Mama Bryan?" She asked.

"Since you kids were young, y'all's would always play together. Jason remembers you were over with the girls when they were about 8 or 9 and we had that little BBQ? Kendyl fell and started crying. You were about to race over there but Bo was by her side and kissed her knee." Mama said with a huge smile.

"Oh yeah. Shut you right up Kendyl. You always would follow Bo around even though he was older and Tate and you were closer in age. He would follow Keeley around. You two were very close. Then who knows what happened. Maybe hormones. Two different schools too. You know Kendyl when Bo came over a few months back without you I knew he was going to ask my permission." Jason smirked.

"You asked my dad?" Kendyl asked me surprised.

"Of course. It's the gentleman's thing to do. I haven't forgotten anything. Not your mama's birthday, not going to dinners well maybe once, but it was more of a cover up planning all of this." I smiled at her. She grabbed my face and kissed me.

"You are such an asshole but an amazing one." She said kissing me again.

"Alright now no babies yet. Wait to get married." Jess said.

"Yes mama." Kendyl said smiling. I put my arms around her and held her close.

"Where are Bailee and Bryson?" Jess asked.

"Bailee is keeping the homestead safe. I hope no parties and Bryson is moving his girlfriend in with the baby." Mama said.

"You're going to have a full house all over again." Jess laughed.

Everyone talked for a little while longer but I actually wanted to just get back to the hotel with my fiancé. People seemed to not notice when I kissed on Kendyl's neck. I know she did because at one point her hands gripped harder onto mine. She turned around to look me in the eyes. She had the same lust I did.

"Hey, we're going back to the hotel." I announced. Everyone looked at us.

"Alright. I got your stuff out here. Go on tiger." Tate smirked. Kendyl rolled her eyes at him.

"Okay you two newly engaged love birds. Don't do anything I would do." Papa said.

"Shut up Luke." Mama said. He smirked at her and put his arm around her.

"Goodnight." Kendyl and I both said.

"Goodnight." Everyone said in unison.

Kendyl and I walked hand and hand back to the hotel. I could tell neither of us could wait to get to that room. Unfortunately there were people in the elevator. Once we got in the room. Kendyl jumped on me. I caught her and kicked the door shut while kissing her. I laid her on the bed softly and looked into her beautiful blue eyes. I was going to light some candle's put on some soft love making music, and make love to my soon to be wife.


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What do you think the wedding is going to be like?
What do you think of Bo and Kendyl?
Tate and Erin might be next?

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- pup

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