Enki Gokuu - My Target

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"All that for a little scratch." His voice sent chills down Y/n's spine. They raised their dagger, even with their face. Ready to continue the fight. Before they could though, they were sent straight into a wall. The air was knocked from Y/n'a lungs and they gasped for air. The mask it harder to get air as they fell to the ground. Enki walks over to Y/n and looked down at them.

"You're weak."

Y/n looked up at him with a glare. They were strong, very strong but compared to him? They were nothing. Y/n could beat basically anyone but not him. Y/n stood up and decided to live up to their title as one of the best assassins. To do this, they would have to take down Enki. They knew they needed to plan more. Now knowing a few of his moves they'll be able to plan better.

As much as Y/n wanted to respond to him, they didn't. They fled. Enki watched as they left. He could tell they were strong, he just wanted to see how they'd react. Y/n fleeing wasn't something he thought they'd do. He let them flee though, he knew they'd be back.

Y/n sat on top of a roof, looking over the town they've been in for a while now. They have learned most of his moves and fighting style. They would fight him and watch him train. They would use this information against him, Enki knew this though.

A sigh came from the assassin as they closed their eyes. They tried to come up with a plan to kill him but every way they thought of, he had a way to stop them. Y/n grew frustrated at this, never had they had such a hard target. It made them feel horrible. They began to think it was impossible. Y/n rubbed their eyes before opening them.

Not even Enki's brother was on par with him. If Samon couldn't beat him, how could Y/n beat him? They didn't know how to go against someone they just knew they couldn't beat. At this point they were close to just telling the person who hired them, they couldn't do it. Though that would ruin them. Y/n knew they couldn't do that.

The assassin lent back and laid down then stared at the sky. They were given two weeks to kill him, Y/n thought this was long enough. It was far from long enough, they should have known better. Y/n didn't have time to train up anymore than what they were. They had to get him soon. Saying Y/n killed him, as a lie, wouldn't work because he's way too popular. His death would be all over the news and if he's not really dead, it would be proven wrong quickly.

A shadow went over Y/n, a figure blocking the sun. Y/n looked at what was happening. "You shouldn't let your guard down when your target is near." Y/n shot up at the voice. They finally got a good look at who was there and there was Enki, looking down at them. "The hell??" Y/n was shocked to see him up here. They thought they were hidden up here.

Y/n realized they spoke and their breath hitched. They didn't mean to speak, they just spoke out of shock. Y/n hovered their hand over where they kept their dagger. "Who do you work for?" He got straight to the point. Y/n didn't answer, not wanting to speak again. He walked a bit closer. "I know you can speak." He spoke coldly. Y/n still refused to speak again.

Enki grabbed their collar and lent them over the edge of the building. Y/n glanced down then glared up at him. "You all work for the same person. Don't you?" He questioned darkly. Y/n grabbed his wrist, hoping they could hold on so they didn't fall. They thought for a moment before speaking. "You wouldn't let me die." They said in a monotone tone.

The two were quiet for a second. He pulls them closer so they aren't over the edge then lets them go. Y/n noticed how close they were now. They had every urge to just stab him now. He wouldn't be able to react quick enough and they could hit somewhere vital. Something told them not to though, something held them back.

"You don't want to be working for them. Do you?" This shocked Y/n, they didn't know the answer to that. They thought it over and quickly and he was pretty much right. Y/n wondered how he could know that before them. "Why do you?" He asked, it seemed as though he was trying to help them realize. Y/n came to a conclusion but they didn't want to say it. Not to him, not to their target.

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