Upa - I'll protect You

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Idea: Y/n is a monster. Werewolf, to be exact. They can turn invisible too. The school they went to had ticked them off so they accidentally gave themselves away. The school was not accepting of monsters. So Y/n ran. After some time, Y/n found this old train to stay in. But so did some of the people from the school. They needed a place to stay and the train had rooms so they planned to fix up the train. Y/n saw their friend and went to the room that they knew their friend would pick. Y/n met them there. Their friend helped them hide from the professor. Though when the professor came and Y/n hid. The professor found Y/n. Y/n being trapped in the small closet with them, the professor forced Y/n to become his 'pet' kind of. Y/n did not like this. They tried to run to the only other alpha they knew of and trusted. The professor caught them before they could. Y/n then made their way to their friend with the professor. Y/n not showing their upset but to their friend, it was clear they were.

Y/n = Your name
L/n = Last name

This is an au. Upa also does not have ki.

Also note, this came to me in a dream. So this doesn't follow normal werewolf rules.

Y/n's pov

Once I hear the professor coming, I look at Upa. "I have to hide.." I tell him. He nods and motions to the closest. "the door can be unseen, go in there. I have to go meet up with the others." I nod and go in the closet. It sit down and watch the door become unseen. I then listen to Upa leave and sigh a bit.

I turn invisible when the professor walks into the closet. 'He must have known then door was there..' I think to myself. I watch as he looks around for me. I watch him shut the door and I lean further into the corner. "I know you're in here." He said lowly.

My eyes widen when he looks right at me. He then grabs my neck and pulls me close when I turn visible. "How did you..-?" I tried to question but he interrupted me. "I have my ways." He then looks me up and down. "You'll be staying with me. Just to make sure you don't hurt anyone."

I look down. Knowing I couldn't do anything. He lets go of me and opens the door. "Now, let's go see-" he starts to speak but I run out. Trying to reach the other alpha that I knew and trusted but the professor caught up to me. "No you don't." He knocked me down, putting his knee on my back to hold me down.

I didn't get far enough to anyone so no one around to see. He grabs my neck again to make my lean back to him. "Try something like that again and you'll regret ever being here." He growled. I stay silent but nod a bit. He lets go and stands up, as do I. I follow him to where the others are. Him smiling like he normally does. I see Upa and quickly go to him.

Upa looks at me and sees that I'm upset. He titles his head at me and whispers. "Aren't you supposed to be hiding?" I nod and glance at the professor. Only Upa would be able to see the slight fear I had showing, and he did. He caught on and grew angry. I noticed but wasn't quick enough to stop him.

"The hell did you do to them!?" Upa turned to the professor. Getting everyone's attention. I take a step back, unsure what to do. "Whatever do you mean?" The professor questioned. "You know exactly what I mean." Upa went over to the professor. Upa may be small but he sure as hell is strong. "Tell me what you did."

The professor looked at me with a slight glare then looks at Upa. "What ever they told you was a lie." He said and Upa crossed his arms. "They didn't say anything. I know them well though. Tell me what you did." Before the professor could answer, the other alpha walked up. The one I trusted. Qi came up and put a hand on my shoulder. He was always protective of me since he was like my brother.

"He claimed them. You dare claim them?" Qi asked the professor and the professor rolled his eyes. "I did it to protect the school. They are under my control so they don't hurt anyone."

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