Rumors (Juicy x Reader)

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"Y/N! You're a celebrity!" Mully ran up to me, his feet sliding and his body bumping into mine.

"What are you talking about?" I catch him by his arms, helping him stand up straight and fixing his hair.

"Everyone's talking about you." He whispers into my ear, glancing around him for listeners.

"What are they saying?" I gently push him away from me. He clears his throat. "That you're with the playboy."

"Who's the playboy?" I ask clueless, making Mully sigh. "You don't even know who the playboy is?"

I glare at him. "No. How am I supposed to know everyone in this damn university. I can barely keep track of where you are."

"So who is he?" I nudge him to tell me just as Mully pulled me with him in an empty classroom. "It's Gaege Gibson. He's supposed to be crazy smart."

Mully exhales and turns his head to see if anyone was outside the door. "He's also an insane track runner and swimmer. He also plays the guitar."

"And get this! He's freaking handsome!" He looks down at me in awe while I look at him uninterested. "Looks like you're in love with him." I jokingly said as I turn to walk away but he grabs my wrist and turns me around. "I'm serious, Y/N. If you get tangled with this guy, you're in deep trouble."

"Yeah, like I'm ever going to bump into him." I shook my head and walk out of the classroom.

-Later that day

"Y/N, you coming?" Eddie taps my shoulder, my head turning to look at him from the table. "Nah, I'm going to stay here and study some more."

"Okay, let me know if you want anything." I exchange smiles before he walks out of the lounge with some of my friends.

As I pull up my biology textbook on my laptop, I get a facetime call from Mully. "What's up?"

"Have you seen Gaege Gibson yet?" He speaks through his phone, his screen showing his dorm room. "Mulls, would you stop with that?"

"I'm not going to meet him, not even by accident. Stop worrying that rumor will die down in like two weeks."

"And what if it doesn't? What are you going to do then?" I then hear footsteps and the camera showing his closet.

"I'll just give people something new to talk about like that you and I are dating" he finally shows his face, but his chest bare.

"Hey, how could you say that so easily? and you really think people would care? they don't even know me." "Yeah but they know me, and put on a shirt, you idiot."

"Oh right, but still watch out. You never know-" "Hey someone's coming. Shh!" I whisper, minimizing the facetime window.

"Um, excuse me, is Grant here?" A tall,
handsome guy peeks his head into the dorm hall.

"He's not here. He went out a while ago. but who are you?" I asked. "Gaege Gibson. I'm Grant's friend."

"Shit." I covered my mouth. "I'm sorry?" He walks towards me, hands in his pants pockets. "Oh, nothing. I'm sorry."

I glance at him, looking at my laptop to avoid eye contact with him. Gaege tilts his head, slightly smirking and sitting down in the chair across from me.

"You're Y/N, right? The one i'm rumored to be with?" My head quickly lifts up to look at Gaege. "What?" "You're the girl that i 'had' a one night stand with."

"Okay. Now you just made that up." I lower my laptop screen, put down my pen and lean my forearms on the table.

"Mm, I might've, but not that you're with me." "What do you mean?" He leans forward on the table, "I'm the one that spread that rumor."

My eyes widen, slowly leaning back in the chair. "You what?" He looks at me with playful eyes. "I told people that you're dating me."

I laugh, speechless at why Gaege would do
something like that. "Why would you do that?" "Cause I wanted to get a kick out of it."

"You're a jerk, you know that?" I fold my arms across my chest. Gaege pushes the chair out and stands up.

"Mm, don't think like that." He walks over to the other side, standing next to me. "What are you doing?" I wriggle your eyebrows, looking up at him pouting.

Gaege bends down, looking at you with bright eyes. "Rumors don't end with rumors." "What are you talking about?"

He smiles, "They end either with denial or become the truth." I just stare at him, confused. "We can just turn the rumor into the truth."

"How?" "With a kiss." He smirks, speaking softly. I scoff, "No chance. I'm never going to-"

Gaege cuts me off when his hands cups my face and his lips land on mine. My eyes wide, blink before I relax and close them.

The kiss deepens as I grab a hold of his wrists, completely forgetting that I was on facetime, with Mully. And that he heard everything.


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