The Best Friend (Juicy x Reader)

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Requested by @ImJustASkaterBoy (sorry for being late with your request T^T)


"Come on, pick up..." I grumbled as the phone rang. I was waiting for my best friend, Gaege Gibson, to answer the phone. He is a youtuber known as 'Juicy' and he makes VR Content with his friends. They call themselves 'The Boys'. Not only is he my best friend but he's been my crush since high school.

"For fucks sake-" Just as I said that, Gaege finally responded to the call.

"Hey Y/N! How's it goin'?" Gaege responded.

"Yo Gaege! It's been awhile! We should hangout some time, yea?" I asked, hoping we could hangout after so long.

"Hmmm...yeah! Sure! Where do you wanna hangout?" Gaege asked. Yes! Finally!

"I was thinking we could get a coffee at Starbucks?"

"Yeah definitely. See you there!" Gaege said.

"Okay! See you!" I said, blushing as I hung up the phone. Fuck, I gotta find something to wear.


I made it to Starbucks a little later due to traffic and saw Gaege already sat down at one of the tables.

As he saw me, he smiled and waved at me.

"Hey! There she is!" Gaege stood up to give me a hug.

"Hey, sorry I was late. Lots of traffic." I apologized, blushing a little after the hug.

"No need to apologize. C'mon, sit down." He pulls the seat out for me and I sit down.

"'s it been? It's been awhile." Gaege stares at me with that damn smile of his.

"I-I've been doing great! Y'know kinda busy here and there and yeah, it has been awhile. What about you? How have you been doing?" I asked.

"Well, you know, I've also been busy. Y'know trying to plan to go to Australia, isn't it great?" He says with excitement but a little nervousness in his voice.

"Really? That's great! You going to meet the Boys?" I asked, smiling proudly since he hasn't seen them in almost a year.

I noticed that Gaege was blushing and he looked a little nervous.

"Well, not just that. I'm gonna go see Liv. You know Liv, right?" Gaege said and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. Liv was also a friend of The Boys.

"Yeah, I know who Liv is." I said, feeling my throat tighten up.

"Hey? You okay? Is something wrong?" Gaege asked with a concerned look on his face as he grabbed my hand tightly.

"Y-Yeah I'm okay. I'm just so happy for you!" I forced a smile but Gaege knows something is up.

"Well, alright. That isn't the only good news, though. The best part is I get to bring you along with me!" He says, smiling widely. My eyes widened.

"Wait- You sure? I won't disturb you, will I?" I asked, nervously.

"Pssh not at all. Plus, you get to meet the Boys and bunk with me." He wiggles his eyebrows and I giggled at his goofy attitude.

"Alright, alright. I'll come."

"Hehehe 'come'" Gaege jokes and we both laugh.

I'm glad to be coming with Gaege but at the same time, he's going to see Liv. Not that she's a bad person. She's really pretty and she's funny. I try not to cry infront of Gaege. For now, I should try to keep my head up and enjoy the trip with Gaege.

Author's Note: HEY GUYS! This request was made in April and if you guys want a part 2 of this story, please leave a comment down below 😊Anyway, thank you guys for reading and for all your support. I love seeing your comments and how much you guys read this oneshots. It really warms my heart to see that many people read this! You guys are the best, really <3

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