05 | 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐞

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Days later, Sienna Grace was walking down the street- unable to find a cab to drive her downtown to Matt's apartment

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Days later, Sienna Grace was walking down the street- unable to find a cab to drive her downtown to Matt's apartment. All she needed was to relax and be with someone she trusted right now.

Sienna Grace walked through the cold night. The wind felt sharp- and like it was cutting through her pink cheeks. She could see her foggy breath infront of her with each step. As Sienna Grace had walked futher down the road, she noticed many men watching her every move. She hurried her steps, hoping that she could get away from them. The men continued to follow Sienna Grace, and they slowly got closer and closer.

Why were they following her?

Sienna Grace felt unbelievably nervous as the men walked behind her. "Where are you going, pretty lady?" A man slurred. She ignored him, walking faster than before. There was still hope that she could drive them off her trail. The men started laughing. "Aw. . .come on sweetheart. We just wanna play a little game with you." Another man muttered. Sienna Grace breathed heavier- she was practically jogging at this point to get away from them. "What's your name, baby?" The third man slurred. "Please, leave m- me alone." Sienna Grace stuttered. "Please." She muttered. The three men laughed as they walked closer to her- touching her shoulders and arms. "Stop! Please!" Sienna Grace pushed their greasy hands away from her. One of the men slid their hands inside her jacket and down her body. Sienna Grace shook with fear. "No! Stop!" She kicked his knee cap.

The man laughed. "Aw sweetie. . .you shouldn't have done that," he smiled. "Bad girls get punished." The man started to corner her into an alleyway. Suddenly a dark figure jumped down bewteen the three men, and Sienna Grace.

The man in the black mask.

She leaned back against the wall. "Leave her be." The man said. His voice wad husky and deep. One of the three men laughed viciously. "Yeah? And what if we don't, hm? What are you gonna do about it, bro?" The other two men agreed with him. The man in the black mask walked up to them slowly, completely silent. He stood directly infront of him. "I'll make sure you'll be crawling back to whatever hell hole you crawled out of. Or. . .I'll make sure you'll never see the light of day again." The man in the black mask said. Sienna Grace watched him carefully. She had majored in Kinesics during her college years.

She noticed a very particular way the man in the black mask was standing. He stood, like his knew what he was doing- like he knew that he was in charge right now. But, then Sienna Grace finally pointed it out.

The masked man was lying.

He wasn't going to seriously hurt the men. Sienna Grace relaxed a little, knowing that she wouldn't have to watch a serious fist-fight. The three men walked up to the man in the black mask. "The people on the streets got a name for you, you know?" The man muttered. "They're starting to call you, 'The Devil of Hell's Kitchen'." He explained. The man in the black mask held his ground. "Well I'm sure as hell not Jesus." The masked man replied. "The devil and I seem to get along nicely." He scoffed. Sienna Grace hid against the alley wall, watching closely. The three men laughed, they knew what they were doing. They were luring him in; waiting for the perfect moment to strike. "Listen. . .I'm going to give you until the count of five to run away from here, and we won't have ourselves a problem." The masked man said quietly. The tall man in the middle scoffed. "Yeah? Or what?" He muttered.

"You gon' give us a wedgie, little boy? Or worse- maybe pull on our hair?" The man joked. The men behind him laughed loudly. "No," the masked man said roughly. "I'll make sure you're six feet under by the time I'm through with you idiots." He smiled. Sienna Grace gasped softly. She couldn't make out if he was lying or not. His words frightened her, she didn't want to see this end the way he had said it might. "Now. . .I'll still give you a head start. Leave the women alone. I won't be asking again." The man in the black mask demanded. The man scoffed. "Fine. There's other ladies in this town anyways. C'mon boys, let's leave this creep." He turned around, and the two men followed him. The masked man made sure they had walked down the street before turning around to Sienna Grace. "Are you alright, miss?" He asked, slowly walking up to her. Sienna Grace pushed herself up more against the wall. Wishing it was all a dream.

She was scared of him.

"I won't hurt you, I promise." He reassured her softly. She breathed heavily- still unsure. "Why? Why did you save me?" Sienna Grace hesitated. The man in the black mask grinned slightly. "I'd help anyone in distress." He shrugged. She shook her head in disbelief, scoffing quietly. "I'm just supposed to believe you're not just following me around town? You've saved me twice now." Sienna Grace muttered. The man shrugged. "Stop getting yourself into trouble and we'll stop meeting." He chuckled. His laugh seemed so familiar. If only Sienna Grace could point out who he sounded like.

"Will I ever get to know who you are, or will you keep hiding your identity?" He scoffed. The man in the black mask leaned on the wall with his shoulder. "It's better if you don't know who I am. . .it'll save both of us all the confusion." He smiled. She could see a red liquid stained on his chest and his bottom lip was cut.

That smile.

Sienna Grace furrowed her eyebrows slightly. 'Confusion'? What had he meant by that?

"May I walk you home?" He asked sofly. Sienna Grace shook her head. "No thank you- that won't be necessary. I'll manage by myself. Thank you." She smiled back. The man nodded. "Be careful. . .Hell's Kitchen is a dangerous place." He said softly; standing up right. "Where are you going to, miss?" He asked. Sienna Grace sucked on her lip. "Wouldn't you like to know?" She scoffed. The man in black chuckled. "Just curious." He answered. Sienna Grace shrugged and pushed her silky hair behind her ear. "I'm going to a friend's apartment- he said if I ever needed too, I could go to his place. And. . .I- I just need to be with him right now. I've had a rough day." She said quietly. The man in black nodded. "I'm sorry to hear that. . .but I won't keep you any longer. Be careful." He smiled.

Why did he care so much?

"I'll see you around-?" He looked at her for an answer. "S- Sienna. Sienna Grace." She replied. "I'll see you around, Sienna Grace." The man repeated. He walked out of the alley. She sighed heavily. The words 'Hell's Kitchen is a dangerous place' roamed her mind. His voice echoed through her head repeatedly. She couldn't escape them. Sienna Grace fixed her coat and continued down the sidewalk to Matt's apartment.

It almost seemed like she knew the man. He acted so similar to a person Sienna Grace knew. Everything from his: smile, laugh, voice, jawline even his lips seemed so familiar.

If only she knew the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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