04 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐧 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐤

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August 15th

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August 15th

Months later, Sienna Grace became close to Matt, Foggy, and Karen. Mostly Matt- they always seemed to spend the most time with one another. . . especially at Josie's when Sienna Grace was working. She was able to get an apartment of her own, so she wasn't staying at Matt's constantly. He did let her keep the extra key incase she ever needed to go over.


"Happy birthday to you!" The three sang to Matt. Foggy sang a higher note, he sang after Karen and Sienna Grace had stopped. "Don't strain yourself there, Foggy." Matt chuckled. Foggy rolled his eyes and set a store-bought cheesecake on the table. "We uh- we didn't have enough time to actually make a cake ourselves." Foggy laughed softly. "Or buy candles and get a reservation." He muttered. Foggy sat down across from Matt- in between Karen and Sienna Grace. "It's perfect. . . thank you guys. I'd rather be in the office anyways." Matt smiled. Sienna Grace smiled back. "Happy birthday." She said softly. Karen exhaled a deep breath. "Um- why don't we start eating? I'm starving!" She chuckled. Foggy nodded and handed out plates to all four of them. Sienna Grace watched Karen as she smiled at Matt. She looked down at the lining of the table. Foggy placed a hand on her shoulder. "You okay?" He asked softly. Sienna Grace looked up and over at Foggy. She nodded. "Yeah- yeah, I'm alright. Thank you, just a little. . .tired. I- I didn't get a lot of sleep last night." She smiled.

Foggy nodded, smiling back- he put a slice of cheesecake on Matt's plate, then on Sienna Grace's and Karen's, and then his own. The four sat comfortably- eating, chattering and laughing about many different topics. "Wait, wait, wait," Karen repeated her words. "What did you say incorrectly?" She laughed quietly. Foggy took a drink of water- Matt and Karen were laughing. "Oh my go- he said, he said; 'El grande avocados'!" Matt chuckled. Foggy grew red with embarrassment. "I- I don't know what I thought I heard back then." Foggy laughed loudly. "Definitely wasn't right, though." He chuckled. Karen giggled. Matt scoffed. Sienna Grace nodded, wearing a slight smile. Matt noticed her unsteadiness and placed his hand on her's under the table. She glanced over at him- her eyebrows were curved with curiosity.

He was so confusing to understand.

Sienna Grace breathed out a quiet sigh and looked away from Matt. Karen had been watching her. Sienna Grace looked down at the table- Matt was still holding her hand. The voices from everyone else seemed to fade out. It was just Sienna Grace and her thoughts. . .alone. Many, maybe hundreds of questions roamed her mind- most of the questions she had, were about Karen and Matt. The other questions were about the man she saw last night. A faint voice hid behind her. She shrugged it off.

The voice gradually became louder and louder each second. "Sienna!" Matt said loudly. She zoned back into reality. . .a specific place she wasn't very fond of. Sienna Grace looked up quickly. "Are you alright?" He asked softly. She looked over at him. . .then back around to Foggy and Karen. "I- I saw a man last night." She furrowed her brows- deep in thought as she remembered the man. Foggy laughed softly. "I saw a woman last night." He joked. She shook her head. "No. . .the man- this man saved my life." She stuttered. Matt hid a slight grin. "Well, I'm glad you're okay Sienna Grace." He smiled wider. She scoffed softly, looking down at her lap. "He wore a black mask around his head, and his outfit was rather weird." Sienna Grace muttered. Foggy looked at her, absolutely puzzled. "Did you drink too much last night Sienna?" Matt chuckled gently. She shook her head. "No. I- I didn't. These men were getting so close to me and putting their hands all over me. Then, the man in the black mask jumped down infront of me." Sienna Grace whispered.

Did they even believe her?

Karen folded her arms and leaned on the table- fascinated. "I watched the man fight them off. He told me to run away. . .and so I did." She muttered, looking up at everyone. Karen gasped quietly. "Huh," she scoffed. "So some random dude just saved you completely out of the blue?" Karen muttered. Sienna Grace nodded and shrugged. "Yeah- yeah he did." She said breathlessly. Foggy leaned back in his chair- looking at Sienna Grace. Matt lifted his hand off of her's, standing up. Sienna Grace watched him. Her hand had felt cold, since Matt stood up. "Can I talk to you, Sienna Grace?" Matt asked softly, looking down towards her. She nodded. "He can't see you." Foggy whispered as he leaned over to her. Sienna Grace chuckled sheepishly. "Right- yes! Sorry." She stood up and stood beside Matt. He started walking into his office. Sienna Grace followed him. "Close to door behind you, please." Matt muttered. She obeyed and closed the door.

Matt turned around to face her. "Were you at all injured last night?" He asked in a hush voice. Sienna Grace furrowed her brows, and shook her head. "No. No I wasn't." She replied. Matt nodded. "I'm glad you weren't hurt. . .but Sienna?" He sighed softly. She looked more up at him. "Yes, Matthew?" Sienna Grace hesitated. He leaned back on the corner of his desk. Matt hesitated asking Sienna Grace his question. He let out a soft sputtered sigh. "Sienna Grace- I would like for you to stay-" Matt stopped. He thought for a moment. "What is it? Is something wrong?" Sienna Grace asked worrisome. Matt shook his head. "No- no it's nothing." Matt murmured. Sienna Grace felt like something was wrong or that it wasn't just 'nothing'. Matt stood up completely and walked over to her. "I- I just want you to be more vigilant and careful. Hell's Kitchen is a dangerous place." He gently placed each of his hands on her shoulders. Matt wore a crooked grin. She nodded slightly.

Why did he care so much?

"I- I will." Sienna Grace muttered. Matt nodded happily. "Thank you." He mumbled. "You can go now, I'll only be a minute more." He smiled. She nodded and walked out the door- going back to the table with Foggy and Karen. "What did he need?" Karen asked quickly. Sienna Grace looked up at Karen, her brows curved with curiosity.

Foggy waited for Sienna Grace's answer, just as curious as Karen. She shook her head. "Nothing," Sienna Grace chuckled. "It was nothing." She reassured. Foggy nodded. "Alright! I'll pick up the food if you two are done?" Foggy smiled. Sienna Grace looked over at him, smiling. "Yes, I am. Thank you." Foggy grabbed her plate and cup. Karen nodded and he grabbed her plate and cup. Karen looked back over at Sienna Grace with a peculiar expression.

Why was Karen always wanting to be involved with Matt and Sienna Grace's conversations?

"What is it? Do I have food in my teeth?" Sienna Grace hesitantly pulled out her phone and looked at herself through the camera. Karen shook her head. "No you don't," she leaned over on the table. "But. . .Sienna Grace?" Karen mumbled. Sienna Grace looked up at her as she put her phone away. "Matt is mine, okay?" Karen whispered. Sienna Grace scoffed and turned her head slightly, shaking her head. "He's not your property. Matt is- he's his own person, Karen. You can't just claim somebody. . .that's not how this works." She muttered. Karen rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, okay." Karen said sarcastically. Sienna Grace curved her eyebrows, confused. "Just wait Sienna, you'll see. Matt is mine." Karen repeated softly.

What was Karen meaning by that?

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