Chapter 12

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"There's food in the fridge if you get hungry. Lock the doors when you get home and try not to burn the house down when you heat up the food." You fixed the bow on Ai's collar and gave her a pat on the shoulder. "I'll be back after dinner, okay?"

"Jeez, since when did you turn into Mom?"

"Since Mom disappeared on us," you rolled your eyes.

"Mom didn't disappear. She's working and doesn't have time to come home. You know that (Y/N)." If this goes like any other anime then Mom will probably never show up again for the rest of the story. You grimaced at the thought.

"Anyway... Mind telling me where you're going today?" Ai changed the subject.

"A concert. My friend invited me."

"WHAT? And you didn't invite me? I've been betrayed."

"Alright alright, next time I'll ask you if you wanna go. Now hurry up and go inside before you're late for class." You pushed Ai towards the gate. She spared you one last glance before running to catch up with someone in the crowd.

"So.... a concert huh?" Sadao made his presence known, standing behind you with his arms crossed. "Sounds lame."

"Good morning to you too Tanabe."

"Morning, dumbass. My sister wanted you to come over for dinner tonight but I can see you have plans. Ah, that's too bad. I'm soooooo disappointed." Tanabe gave you a pout and wiped fake tears from his eyes.

"You don't sound all that upset about it."

"Sorry, next time I'll cry for real so you can see how sad I am." He rolled his eyes and looked like he was going to say something else, but stopped suddenly. "Hana!" Sadao whirred his head to a nearby tree. "Quit being a creep and come out already!" A small shuffling sound was heard and Hana peeked her head from behind the tree.

"Hi (Y/N)! I can call you that right?"

"OY! They're your upperclassman, show some respect!" Sadao pulled her away from her cover.

"Yes! My apologies (Y/N)-senpai!" She bowed her head at you. "If you have plans today, maybe you can come over tomorrow?"

"I'm having lunch with a friend tomorrow, but I can make it for dinner." That got Sadao's attention.

"Lunch? With who? Is it that weirdo from yesterday? The loud one."

"Taka? No, not him." Something dawned on you. "Wait, you were watching me?"

"WHAT? NO." Sadao was quick to deny your inquiry. "I was just passing by and happened to notice you. That's it, nothing more."

"Awwww wittle Tanabe gotta cwush on me?"

"Don't ever talk like that again." You were about to retort when Hana pushed Sadao out of the way.

"Dinner then! Sadao will give you our address tonight. Come around six, and feel free to bring your sister!"

"I'm not giving them our address."

"Give them the fu*king address Sadao."

"Okay okay, jeez."





"Hey hey, my car's here!" Taka's voice snapped you out of your trance.

"What the hell...?" You held your head in confusion. Wasn't I just talking to Tanabe? No, you weren't at the gates of Ai's school anymore. Instead, you were being dragged by Taka outside of your own school.

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