Chapter 2

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"Since when did the school have a uniform?" you asked yourself as you got dressed. Shrugging it off as memory loss, you quickly got changed and left for school.





"(Y/N)-chan!" Mei waved enthusiastically to you from the street across your house. Ah, she's already here.

"Good morning." You yawned and readjusted the collar of your shirt. Ugh this thing is choking me.

"Wow... I still can't believe you're coming back to school. I've been so lonely without you (Y/N)-chan."

"Aha sorry Mei. I'll try not to fall off any more roofs." You guys didn't say anything for the rest of your walk to school, which made things kind of awkward for you. Ah, was there any homework I had to do for some reason? I hope not.


"Wahhh.... Is that Matsui-kun?" You perked up when you heard Mei speak again. Ah we're at the school already? "Look, look (Y/N)-chan!" You turned your head to where Mei was looking. At the school gates a large limo was parked and two guards clad in black suits and sunglasses stood on either side of the car door. A boy with blue hair stepped out. You really couldn't pick out any other details from the distance you guys were at.

"...who?" Maybe it was just your memory, but you've never heard of anyone with the name of Matsui. Mei looked at you with a face of shock and disappointment.

"(Y/N)-chan! How could you not remember? Matsui Kazuhiro, like THE Matsui Kazuhiro? Part of the Matsui family who owns ALL the major companies?"

"...huh? Doesn't ring a bell."





"The school looks...different?" You looked up at the front of the school. Ah, it looks... bigger. As you were walking through the corridors, you heard countless whispers from the sidelines.

"Hey, is that..."

"They're the one who fell off the roof!"

"Wah... how did they survive that?" And I immediately don't wanna be here. You walked up and down the stairs a couple of times before realizing something. Sh*t where are my classes?


You arrived at your math class ten minutes late trying to find it. "S-sorry I'm late miss." The entire class turned to you as soon as you opened the door. "I... got lost." You took a quick scan of the room and realized that Mei wasn't in the class. That's strange, didn't she have the same class as me? Did she move classes?

"(L/N) nice of you to join us. We hope you're doing okay." Your teacher was being surprisingly nice to you. It's because I almost died isn't it?

"Ah, thank you for your concern. I'm doing alright..." You rubbed the back of your neck in awkwardness.

"Well, you can take your usual seat." She pointed to an empty seat in the middle of the room. Awkwardly, you shuffled past the students to your seat.

"Alright class, where were we..."



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