Chapter 9

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"(Y/NNNNNN).... I'm bored....." was the first thing you heard as you got home.

"Do your homework or something."

"But I don't wannaaaaaaa.... Can we go out tonight? To the city?"

"I don't know Ai..."

"Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease-" You covered your ears.

"Alright alright! Jeez."





Mei ended up dragging you to the same ramen place that Taka took you to the other week. When you entered, you noticed the same waitress that you saw last time was the one to greet you once again.

"You look familiar.... Uh (L/N), right? Sako's friend. And who's this?" She turned her gaze to Ai, who was busy looking down at her phone's rhythm game.

"Uh this is my sister. Ai, can you PLEASE stop playing for ONE second?" Gently, you nudged her shoulder, which caused her combo to break. She let out the most exaggerated gasp you ever heard and started punching you in the arm.

"YOU F***ING SH** I ALMOST F***ING HAD THAT BUT YOU JUST HAD TO *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*" HOW IS SHE CENSORING HERSELF LIKE THAT?! You looked over to the waitress with embarrassment, but she only laughed.

"Your sister reminds me of my brother. Do you know him? Sadao?"

"Wait? You're related to Sadao?! But- But you seem so chill compared to him!" The waitress laughed even more.

"He's my twin, but I don't think people could tell unless we point it out. Sadao is pretty aggressive, but he means well. I think he'd like you if you take the time to get to know him."

"Eh.... I don't know." She shrugged and looked around the restaurant.

"Suit yourself. Here, we have a table over there, I'll get you guys set up."





"Is everything okay?" you asked Ai, but she only fiddled with her chopsticks and didn't respond. Man this is awkward.

"(Y/N)...?" Oh she talked. "Can you beat this level for me?" Ai pulled out her phone and handed it to you. "It was the one I was playing earlier."

"Uh, alright." You started up the rhythm game and played the level Ai was struggling with. I think I'm getting the hang of this. It was a strange feeling; you were zoning out but still managed to hit all the notes, but all of your concentration was broken when you felt a sharp pain in your shin. The sudden jolt caused you to break your combo. "WHAT THE FU*K?! YOU KICKED ME." Ai only snickered.

"That's what I felt when you broke my combo."

"I hate you."


"How come you're never home these days?" Ai asked as she kicked a stray pebble from the road. "It seems like you're always off doing who-knows-what with your boyfriend. Boyfriends? Why are you talking to so many guys all of a sudden?"

"If only I could give you an answer."

"Man.... How have you been able to talk to so many people recently?"

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