Chapter 6

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"Soooo.... What do you want to order?" The two of you were currently sitting at a table in the shaved ice place. Taka was staring intensely at the menu with a slight frown on his face.

"There are T O O M A N Y O P T I O N S. Aughhhhh I don't know what to get," he said, puffing his cheeks in frustration. "(Y/N) help meeeeeee....." You looked up from your menu.

"Uh.... Did you wanna try this ube one? It has mochi too, look see!" You flipped your menu towards him and pointed at the picture. "It looks so gooddddddd...." Taka stared at the picture for a bit, and you could've sworn you saw a small trail of drool trailing down his mouth. He quickly wiped it away before speaking.

"Yeah I'm definitely getting that. What about you (Y/N)?" You scanned the menu once again. Well, there's nothing else I really want to eat at the moment...

"I'll just get that too." Taka nodded and called a waiter over to take your order.





The two of you got your desserts shortly after you ordered them, and you had to quickly eat it before it completely melted.

"I wonder how Ai's doing..." You checked your phone for the time. It's already 8:30? Oh boy." Taka looked at you quizzingly.

"Who's Ai?" he asked, curiosity lacing his voice.

"Oh she's my younger sister. I told her I'd be out, but I didn't know it's been so long. Mmmmm, I should really get her something...." You waved over a waiter and ordered a small box of mochi to go. "I'll bring this home for Ai. Hopefully she isn't asleep or something by the time I get back. Mochi doesn't save well in the fridge."





You offered to pay for Taka since he paid for dinner, but he wouldn't accept it. You two ended up splitting the bill, to which he reluctantly accepted. As you were exiting the dessert place, you waved him goodbye.

"Bye Taka! I'll see you on Monday!" You tried to walk away, but was stopped when Taka grabbed your arm.

"Oh no you don't! Do you see how dark it is? I can't just let you leave by yourself; there's so many creeps running around at this time! C'mon, I'll take you back home." I guess he's right... I don't wanna get mugged or something.

"Er... Are you sure? How are you gonna get home from my place?" Taka grinned and held up his phone.

"I can just call my driver to pick me up. Don't worry about it (Y/N)."

"If you can call your driver from my place, why can't you just ask him to pick us up from here and save some time-"

"Alright let's go!" Taka dragged you towards the train station, ignoring your question.





Your house was quite a few stops away from the city, so you would be on the train for a while. You were currently messaging Mei about going to the arcade tomorrow.

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