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I was getting ready to leave the room Uzui and I were in when I suddenly felt arms around my waist, it was Uzui. He pulled me closer to him and he buried his face into my hair.

"Uzui," I called out to the taller man, moving one of my hands onto his arm. He groaned at me.

I moved my hand from his arm to his hand and grabbed it, "You'll be fine." I rolled my eyes and forced his arms off me.


Oyakata-sama was holding a meeting. All the pillars were next to who they had been assigned with that week so Uzui and I were next to each other.

"Hello my children, how is everyone's week going so far?" He spoke in his regular soft tone, the aura in the area was now relaxed.

All the pillars, including myself, spoke up saying it's been good. Uzui said 'flamboyant,' as he usually does.

"Good, good. Today and tomorrow are the last days for you to hang out with the person I assigned you with," Oyakata-sama took a pause to breathe, "Tomorrow you will be having a small vacation so you can tell each other more about yourselves."

I gulped, does that mean I have to tell Uzui about my past? If it comes up I'll just avoid the conversation, hopefully.

Oyakata-sama talked about a few more things before ending the meeting.

I began heading back home, not noticing that Uzui was following me. "Hey Shinazugawa," he said in such a calm tone it shocked me.

I quickly turned my head, "Oh, what?" I looked at him before turning my head back forward to focus on the path in front of us.

"Can I hang out with you for the rest of the day?" You could just hear the happiness in his voice. I sighed, "Fine."


We arrived at my house and headed inside. Uzui immediately made his way over to the back and slid open the door to the yard.

I couldn't help but laugh at him, he was acting like an excited little kid again.

"Did… did you just laugh?" I heard Uzui ask, he sounded flabbergasted. I looked up at him, "Yea..? Am I not allowed to do that?"

Before I knew it, Uzui had the biggest smile on his face and was running all over the place before coming up to me and putting his hands on my shoulders.

"I made you laugh!"

He was so excited because he made me laugh? I was embarrassed now, I averted my gaze from Uzui and began to speak, "Well then I guess you're lucky."

I felt his arms around me, it always felt nice to be this close to Uzui.

"You're a goofball," I said before hugging back and then inevitably letting go, he did the same.

Uzui's smile could light up a room, it was comforting to see. It had that similar sense to when Rengoku talked, the both of them were just balls of sunshine. No wonder they were friends.


Shinazugawa had a soft smile appear on his face. It was odd yet comforting to see someone like Shinazugawa smile because of something someone did, let alone myself.

Why Is He So Fvcking Pretty? [A UZUSANE FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now