"Tell me what happened to Sasuke when they took you," he asked worriedly.

"Why.. would you.. care.. about.. Sasuke?" I asked, groaning and catching my breath.

"Is he dead?" Itachi asked while getting a little closer.

"Aww.. worried.. about.. baby.. brother?" I said, teasing him.

Itachi came closer. "Tell me," he said sternly.

I started to laugh. What was with the sudden care for Sasuke? Could he not ask the other members? It was ridiculous.

Itachi was fed up. He stood up and marched to me. Still laying down, he picked me up from my neck and lifted me up and held me against the wall. My legs dangled, I couldn't touch the floor. He was angry. I could see it in his eyes.

"Let's start over. Answer my question and I'll help you get out of here," he said, staring into my soul.

He was serious. I couldn't breath, but I managed to nod my head okay.

He gripped my neck tighter. I let out a croak.

"Enough with the smart talk," he said, finally letting me go.

I fell to my hands and knees and started coughing.

Why am I always put in the position where people can just choke me?

"I-I don't.. know..." I groaned.

I wish I knew. Sasuke, wherever you are, please... I need you here.

Tears formed in my eyes.

Itachi stared down at me. He scoffed. He was mad that I didn't know. But why? Did he wanna kill Sasuke himself just like Sasuke wanted to kill him?

"Why don't.. you ask.. your.. little.. friends?" I said, raising my head to look at him.

"I can't." Itachi said quickly and sternly. "They're not my friends."

He began to pace back and forth.

"I watch over Sasuke," he said hesitantly and quietly. "I wanted to be one of the ones to capture you because I knew you'd be with him, but they didn't let me go. So now I don't know if he's safe."

I fell back to my side. My eyes followed as he paced back and forth. Why did he seem nervous?

"You.. watch.. over.. him?" I asked raising my eyebrows. "Why.. do you.. care.. if he's safe?"

He stopped pacing. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Because he's my brother. The only person that matters to me in this world."

I was so confused. Itachi made Sasuke's life a living hell. How could he even say that without a flinch?

"But then.. why did you.." I was about to ask him why he killed the Uchiha clan, but he interrupted me. I was talking too slow. He was on a time crunch.

"Because I had to. The Uchiha clan was going to kill everyone in the leaf village, which includes you and everyone you have ever cared about. I took it upon myself and eliminated them. I left Sasuke out of it," he explained.

I nodded my head side to side. What was he even talking about? Did Sasuke know any of this? I didn't believe him.

"You're pathetic.. nobody.. would ever.. believe that," I chuckled.

Itachi grabbed the back of my hair and whispered in my ear, "You know what I find pathetic? You. I always see you with Sasuke. I know you guys are close. I know you care what he thinks of you. Just wait until he sees... what you've become. A pathetic little blood sucker... just like your father."

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