Chapter Five

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The Icrodeian spy sat slumped in the chair, his long brown hair covering his already blood-stained face

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The Icrodeian spy sat slumped in the chair, his long brown hair covering his already blood-stained face. Though, through the matted strands, I could see his menacing golden eyes staring at my mother and I. No matter how much we attempted to question him, he wouldn't speak a word. He wouldn't even make a sound as I slapped him across the face.

The cell door opening as another person walked in made me jump, causing my heart to leap into my throat.

Standing beside the guard who had escorted us up was Sabre. Her short, raven-coloured hair was tucked behind her ears as it usually was, making sure it didn't fall into her face as she was doing something important. In the darkness of the tower, her golden eyes seemed to glow. They were completely different from the prisoner's. While his were menacing, blood-thirsty, out for vengeance, Sabre's were alluring. Her eyes tugged at my heart, the fear in them urging me to protect her.

What was she even doing in the tower of all places? If it was too dangerous for the species of the fae, then it was definitely no place for a human. Was it even allowed? All I wanted to do was drag her out to safety myself. I rolled my shoulders. Now wasn't the time. I had to get answers out of him, of what Icrodeia was plotting against Racaea.

"Why have you been sent over the borders? What information have you been told to collect?" I stepped closer to the prisoner, moving his hair out of his face so he could clearly look around the room.

The spy's glare raked my mother and I thoroughly, the corner of his lip curling up into the beginnings of a snarl, but when they found Sabre, they cooled completely, his mouth twisting into a smirk instead.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." His voice was hoarse and laced with a thick accent, one I had only heard once or twice before.

"You," my mother called out to Sabre, "hand over the shackles and take the measurements for the new ones. Now."

My friend approached the prisoner, not bowing to the High Fae Queen like she was supposed to, and pulled out a worn tape measure from her pocket. I had to stifle a laugh at the flare of annoyance in my mother's expression. There was a reason for me to believe she hadn't bowed to anyone in her entire life, she hadn't when the two of us met for the first time and I told her of my status as prince.

As she leant down to wrap the tape around the prisoner's ankles, he twisted his head to get a good look at her. Their eyes met for a brief moment, and that was enough time for the spy to decide his victim to torment.

A minacious laugh erupted from his chest. "Oh wow, you're from Icrodeia too." His features suddenly turned into ones of someone incredibly enraged and he spat at her. "Traitor. Why would you work for the fae when you could have everything and more back in our homeland?"

Sabre's jaw clenched and her hands tightened on her measuring tape. The urge to punch him square in the nose was visible in her stiff movements, but she refrained from doing so. Even from replying. Nothing good would come from interacting with him and she knew it.

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