Chapter Twenty Six

Comincia dall'inizio

“Sitting,” Cole replied.

“I can see that genius. And why weren’t you at school?”

“Were you worried?” he asked, raising a cocky eyebrow.

“No,” I lied “I’m curious.”

“I was busy.”

“Why are you acting like that?”

“Like what?”

“You know what.”

“I don’t actually.”

“Whatever. Be that way. Just get off my doorstep and go annoy someone else,” I snapped.

“No…wait…I’m sorry,” he said looking remorseful.

I stopped and turned to him, raising an eyebrow.

“I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk?” he asked, looking at me hopefully.

“A walk?” I felt dubious.

“Yeah. A walk,” his tone was more sarcastic now.

I assessed his expression and although it was slightly mocking, he seemed mostly sincere.


I dumped by bag inside the house and changed into more comfortable clothes which consisted of leggings, a sweatshirt and runners.

“Let’s go,” I gestured to the road and we began to walk, side by side our hands occasionally brushing.

We walked in silence and the only sound was an occasional bird. My entire hand felt warm as his pinkie finger brushed my palm.

“Where were you today?” I asked again, softly.

He sighed and shook his head. I turned to look at him but he was looking away.

I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze trying to ignore how good his hand felt. The skin was soft but it still felt hard.

I dropped his hand and looked away.

We walked in silence until we neared a fence that had a ‘keep out’ sign on the front with a picture of a skull.

“Come on,” he turned to face me for a second before climbing over to the other side.

Without a second thought I followed him, declining the hand he offered to pull me over.

“What is this place? And I doubt we’re allowed to be in here.”

“You worry too much,” Cole laughed and we continued to walk on the flat land.

It looked as if to be someone’s private estate with trees dotting the terrain. Cole led me into a clearing where there was a large stone placed in the middle.

“Scarlett, welcome to my happy spot,” Cole turned to face me, smiling widely.

“Your happy spot?”

“Yeah. This is my happy spot. So far, you’re the only one to know about this.”

“Only one?”

“Which makes you very special,” Cole laughed and flicked the end of my nose playfully. I ignored the way my heart sped up.

“I’m glad you think so,” I smirked, climbing onto the rock and sitting with my legs folded.

Cole followed and we sat in silence.

I liked sitting in silence with Cole. They were always so comfortable and it allowed my mind to wander freely.

“You can talk to me, you know,” I told him after a while. I hated myself for breaking the silence but Cole seemed worried and that was making me edgy.

“I know.”

It was silent again until Cole spoke.

“It’s my father. He’s sick.”


A / N : hi. hello. bonjour. ciao. namaste. soooo……im alive :)))))

hahahahahahahahahimsorryhahahahahahahhaha it has been wayyyy too long since i updated and i apologise and eeeeekkk im so so so so sorry and this a/n is soo spastic so im sorry. ahahahahah

but i have updated :)) and im going to try and update another one of my stories. i promise!!

how are you all? good i hope. and i hope you’ve all had a lovely easter!!

anyway, that is all and ill see you in my next update! promise it’ll be soon!! 

Not Your Typical PromDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora