“So Robin, tell me about yourself.” I questioned.

 “Well, I would really not like to talk about my past.” He answered.

 “It’s okay, I’ve had a pretty rough life compared to some people, there are also some things that I would rather not say. But if you tell me yours, I’ll tell you mine?” I negotiated.

 He had now moved onto the wound on my collar bone, it was only that and my broken wrist he had to do.

He gave out a sigh and began to tell me his story.

 “Long story short, I had abusive parents that made me do things I didn’t want to do. Batman found me one night trying to steal his tires. He then took me in as Jason Todd, his son and then I became Robin. I guess it all kind of just happened. But now that I have told you my identity, you have to promise to keep it a secret andddd you have to tell me yours”

He adopted him! He didn’t even adopt me after I had been with him for 7 years! And then another kid comes along and he adopts him.

 Maybe he didn’t love me after all. Whatever, I’ll be polite and hold up my end of the deal.

“That seems like a fair deal” I said.

“Well, when I was 9 years old, I was part of a circus, one night my parents died because there rope snapped. Bruce saw what happened and decided to keep me in his ward as Richard Grayson, but some people call me Dick. I found out he was Batman and he trained me to become Robin. And let’s just say where not on the best terms right now.” I said.

 He was now done stitching me up and we were now waiting for the plaster on my wrist to harden. 

“I’m sorry to hear that. But if it makes you feel better, Batman doesn’t let me go on patrol with him on school days.” Jason said.

I gave out a small laugh.

 “Thanks for helping me” I said. He seemed like a good kid to hang around with.

 “No problem, anything for a Bat family member”

I looked at him with raised eye brows.

 “Bat family?” I questioned.

 “Yeah! The people that Batman train to become superheros. We both are part of the Bat family!” he explained.

 “Yeah….” I said.

 As much as I wanted to be part of a family, I didn’t want to be part of Bruce’s family.

And with that, Jason walked off to go do who knows what.

“Team, I need to you meet me in the briefing room ASAP, I have someone I would like you to meet.” Batman’s voice said over the speakers.

 Would you look at that? Speak of the devil. Wait, I thought he went home? He must of come back to show us this person.

I slowly walked over towards the briefing room considering how serious my injuries where. Everyone was gathered and was looking at something, more like someone. I continued walking until I was in the front row, so I was standing right in front of her.

“Team, judging by how your last mission went, I have decided that we are going to add another member to the team. Her name is Lana Byron. Lana is a vampire. Even though she is a vampire, she is strong enough to control her thirst for blood, but if in case she loses control you are to immediately seek for help from the justice league. That is all” Batman said.

He gave us a quick explanation and walked off.

“Hi! I’m Lana Byron, but you already knew that.” Lana said all smiley and happy.

She seemed like a good edition to the team, even though I was kind of mad at Batman because he thought we weren’t strong enough to fight the bad people due to what happened in our last mission.

But she was a vampire so that was cool, but I was still kind of afraid that she might kill us all. That doesn’t matter, when the time comes we figure it out. I looked at her once more, taking in all her features. She was beautiful. She was amazing. She was the prettiest girl I had ever seen in the world.

“Hi, I’m Robin.” I said.

Walking over and sticking my hand out for her to shake.

“Nice to meet you Robin.” Lana said while shaking my hand.

 Her hand was ice cold yet it still bough warmth to my body.  

I was so whelmed by this girl. 

Shocking Love (Dick Grayson) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now