- You are right. I can say that writing stories is the best decision I have ever made

➽ We can see that in your stories, how passionate you are <3

What in your opinion, are the most important elements of good writing?

- Passion, a Strong mind, emotions, researching the things you don't know, learning and a strong vocabulary (which I'm still lacking ahahah)

➽ Yes, passion is an important element of writing. As long as you are passionate, it will reflect in your stories, you'll always have this desire to research and develop within yourself. And in my opinion, you are doing a pretty good job, your writing is amazing to me and a lot of readers. But if you feel that way, you can still improve and make your vocabulary strong, as you said, as long as a writer has a strong mind, no one can defeat her mind and confidence to learn more.

- Yes

- I'm trying and I hope one day I will succeed : )

➽ You'll <3 you have improved a lot. After reading your books from beginning to end, I can see the improvement there. How much you put yourself there and your hardwork.

Coming to the next part, How much 'world building' takes place before you start writing ?

- it doesn't take much in my case, I just need beginning and the end and a lil push and everything starts going with flow. My world build keep going as my story progress.

➽ That's one of the hardest and easiest way to write a story, going with the flow. But it can effect our mood depending on the severity of the situation. Writing can be emotionally draining during those situations. How do you deal with emotional impact of a book ( on yourself ) as you are writing the story ?

- I'm a cry baby, admitting it first lol. you are right it does affect my writing but it depends on me wheter I take it as positively or negatively. When I'm angry or upset to distract myself I write, anything even it's just 2 lines or began drowning myself into thoughts of different plots and write drafts about it! or I just don't touch my docs for a few days until I feel good. and When there is a emotional scene I have to write I will listen to sad musics and start writing with tears gathering in my eyes. So emotional scenes are always hard for me because I can't control my cries haha

➽ We can't control our tears while reading too. It's admirable how you can take out those emotions from us with twisting of words... You are incredible.

- Thank you

➽ Coming to the next part, what was your favourite part and least favourite part of the writing journey ?

- Learning new things is my fav thing and being not able to update frequently is what I hate the most

➽ It's okay. You have a busy life outside. We understand, take your time to update. We will be here, waiting

- I know, my readers are always too sweet and supportive towards me. It's just what I feel hehe

➽ Yeah I understand and your feelings are valid.

Moving forward, what are the key challenges you faced when you started writing here ?

- Being discouraged, my fear, overthinking, these three may be the key challenges I faced.

➽ Hopefully you find your anchor to move on... To walk forward

-Thank you

- I hope too

➽ <3

How would you describe your book's ideal readers ?

- To answer your question, honestly, my ideal reader is who can connect with me and is supportive.

➽ The connection every authors have with their readers are precious. It help to improve and get to know things from reader's pov.

Inspiration comes from different kind of elements, what inspired you to write ' My Chubby Mate ' ?

- My chubby mate is close to my heart because it is about me. I always want someone who is like my chubby mate Jungkook and it inspired me to write the book.

- I put everything I wanted in my partner in my chubby mate Jungkook, you can think that MCM Tae is me in disguise

➽ Awwww that's cute. Hopefully you'll find your partner soon or when you are ready <3

- Hehe thanks <333

[ She's so precious. ]

➽ Btw MCM is an amazing book <3 and Jungkook, he's everyone's dream man. I love how you portrayed taekook characters, it was a hell of a book. Thank you so much for writing it <3

- Oh my! It's my pleasure! I am happy you love my book, thank you for reading it<333

➽ Thank you for writing <3

Moving to another question, what is the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex ?

- Hmm, now that's something that caught me off guard.

- I guess it's expressing emotions

➽ Has Writing books changed the way you see yourself ?

- Yep! It definitely did! It changed how I used to think about myself, I used to loath my weight but now I don't. I learnt many things about myself what I want and I don't through writing

➽ You are cute and fluffy <3 i hope learning new things can be the part of your growth.

What books or authors have most influenced your own writing ?

- Bangtanlover95

- The amazing writer and my role model!

➽ She really is <3

- yep

➽ If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be ?

- learn English hahaha

➽ And you did, pretty good.

Coming to the last part, Taekook and their pure bond has been inspiring a lot of people nowadays. What advice would you give a new writer. Someone just starting out ?

- just trust yourself and don't overdo. writing takes time, passion and patience! and fighting all the nes writer out there! <3

➽ Thank you so much <3

And that bring us to the end of this interview. Thank you so much Hiru, I had a wonderful time with you

- me too!. it was amazing and I hope I didn't bored this interview!

➽ No it was great to get to know you and the process behind every beautiful stories. I'm happy to get to know you with this little talk <3 thank you

- you're welcome, dear! I loved everything here <3


Hiru is a bubbly persona with amazing outlook of world of writing. Talking to her was a great experience. She's very understanding and comfortable to be around. She accepted my invite with enthusiasm that I'd never forget.

Seeing through authors pov view is very admirable. It taught me many things, made me understand better.

Thank you so much <3

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