“Patience, my love.” She replied, looking up at her very sexually frustrated fiancé. “I love how wet you get for me.” Danielle said, running her fingers through wet folds.

Before Stefania could reply, the blonde slid a finger in her wet canal.

“Oh fuck..” The Italian moaned out. “More please  Bambina.”

Danielle was done teasing. She adjusted her self between long slender legs and pulled Stefania closer to her. She lined up her index and middle finger and pushed them into her wet pussy, immediately picking up a fast and steady rhythm .

“Oh God, yes!” Stefania moaned out loudly. “Fuck Danielle! Fuck me!”

“That’s what I’m doing, baby.” The American laughed. She started to pump her fingers in and out at a much faster pace, loving the way Stefania looked; her face plastered with pleasure and her body begging to explode.

Danielle bent down and took Stefania’s bundle of joy and started to suck, causing the Italian’s hip to jerk up due to sensitivity.

“Oh yesss!! Oh fuck yes!” The brunette moaned out, moving her hands down to tangle her fingers in blonde hair. She could feel her body burning and how close her orgasm was.

Danielle could feel how close Stefania was to exploding, based on how much harder it was for her to move her fingers in and out.

Stefania lifted her legs and wrapped them around Danielle’s neck, bring her in closer and seconds later her orgasm ripped through her body followed by loud moans.
Fortunately for Danielle, she could breed and took the time of captivity to help her Fiancé ride out her orgasm.

When Stefania’s orgasm had passed, she released the hold that she had on Danielle then pulled on her hand.

The blonde took the hint and moved back up the Italian’s body until they were face to face.

“Have I ever told you how much I loved you tongue?” Stefania asked, rubbing circles on pale skin.

“Maybe once or twice. Plus the noises you always make when I use it on you gives it away.” Danielle laughed, laying a kiss on olive cheeks.

They laid there cuddle up with each other  enjoying their closeness. The wedding ceremony was set to begin later in the evening so they had time to spare.

“What do you want for breakfast?” Danielle asked breaking their comfortable silence.

“Hmm something sweet.”

“Ooo I can definitely give you something sweet.” The American replied with a smirk.
“No not that.”


“Well yes..” The Italian smiled. “Always that for sure. But since I just got it and very well too I was now thinking maybe donuts and espresso.”

“Hmmm sounds great. How about we take a shower together, get dressed and then we can both take the morning drive to satisfy that sweet tooth if yours?”
“Sounds great, Bambina.” Stefania smiled and gave her Fiancé a sweet kiss to her soft lips.

They made their way off the bed and into the bathroom, both again, thankful that they were already naked. The American leaned over in the shower and turn the water on, letting in run a little before they could get in.

When she turned around, Stefania was bending over and looking for something in the bottom cupboard.
The blonde bit her bottom lip and walked over to the brunette, immediately landing a slap on her bare ass cheeks and before Stefania could reach, Danielle grabbed her hips and pull her into her front.

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